Adding HTML meta tags to client-side human services

To optimize your HTML pages for being viewed on a mobile device, you can define HTML meta tags in the underlying client-side human service. The HTML meta tags are added to the HTML header when the client-side human service runs.

About this task

You can add HTML meta tags such as viewport to a client-side human service at design time. When you add a meta tag to a client-side human service, you override the default settings of the browser and adjust the scaling of the HTML page to the screen resolution of the specified mobile device. For example, the viewport meta tag controls the scaling of the viewing area on mobile devices and enables you to specify a width for your HTML page that would make your content easier to view on that mobile device.
Note: These settings apply to the HTML page for the client-side human service. When the client-side human service is hosted within a larger page, such as Workplace, the meta tags of the root HTML might take precedence. Consult the specifications for the individual tags to understand what behavior to expect in these cases.


To add an HTML meta tag to your client-side human service:

  1. Open an existing client-side human service, or click the plus sign next to User Interface to create one.
  2. Switch to Overview and, under HTML Meta Tags, select the meta tag that you want to add, and enter the corresponding tag content.
  3. In the list of available meta tags, select the check box to turn on a meta tag or clear the check box to turn off the meta tag.
  4. Click Save or Finish Editing.