OpenAPI support for invoking a REST service

REST services that are defined in OpenAPI v2 and OpenAPI v3 specification files are supported, however, a few restrictions apply.

Unsupported OpenAPI specifications

The following specifications are not supported.
  • Properties allOf, oneOf, anyOf, and not are not supported.
  • Type integer with format int64 is not supported. If the value of the integer is greater than the supported integer number, you will encounter issues. For information about the range that is supported for the integer type, see Variable types. Note: If you want to invoke a REST service that returns int64 format integers, you can use JavaScript to invoke the REST service and then parse the string result that is returned in the content property of the BPMRESTResponse object.
  • OpenAPI v2 input files with $ref properties that reference elements in other locations than #/definitions/name (for schemas), #/parameters/name (for parameters), #/responses/name (for responses) are not supported.
  • OpenAPI v3 input files with $ref properties that reference elements in other locations than #/components/schemas/name (for schemas), #/components/parameters/name (for parameters), #/components/responses/name (for responses), #/components/requestBodies/name (for request bodies), or #/components/securitySchemes/name (for security schemes) are not supported.
  • OpenAPI v3 input files with $ref properties that reference properties in schema objects are not supported unless the type of the referenced property is a primitive data type.
  • In OpenAPI v2 input files, header parameters with name Accept, Content-Type, or Authorization are ignored.
  • Paths that contain a semicolon are not supported, even though they are valid in a URI.

Ignored OpenAPI specifications

The following specifications are ignored:
  • For the HTTP methods GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, and DELETE, any request body is ignored.
  • Property default is ignored for all types.
  • Properties maxLength and minLength for type string are ignored for parameters.
  • Property multipleOf for types integer and decimal is ignored.
  • Property allowEmptyValue is ignored.
  • Business object properties maxProperties, minProperties, and additionalProperties are ignored.
  • Business object array properties maxItems and minItems are ignored.
  • Formats email, password and hostname for type string are ignored.


The following limitation applies:
  • Because the maximum name length of business objects is 64 characters, any objects in an OpenAPI file that have names longer than 64 characters cannot be created one-to-one in the business automation. During discovery of an OpenAPI file that contains such objects, their names are automatically shortened. To find the original name for such renamed objects, look at the Type name field in the Advanced Properties section of the Business Object editor.