Invoking a REST service by using JavaScript

Invoke a REST service from a script task in a service flow. This allows you to invoke service operations that cannot be selected as an implementation of a service task in a service flow.

About this task

By using JavaScript to invoke a REST service you have more capabilities and control over setting the input parameters, request headers, authentication information, processing the output parameters, and handling errors.


  1. Make sure that you have the URL or a local copy of the OpenAPI (formerly known as Swagger) specification file for the REST service and any necessary invocation credentials to be able to call the REST service.
  2. Create an external service and discover which operations are supported:
    1. Open the designer, and select Services > + > External Service > Discover an existing service, then select the OpenAPI specification file as input. For more information about discovering an external REST service, see Invoking a REST service.
    2. If any of the discovered operations cannot be called from a service task, you can click View explanation for more information. If the discovered service operation that you want to invoke can be selected as an implementation of a service task in a service flow, that is simpler. If you want to use types other than application/json (or application/x-www-form-urlencoded with primitive values or arrays with primitive values, or text/plain with schema type string), you must use the JavaScript API to invoke the service.
    3. To find the information that you need about the REST service that you want to invoke, such as operation name, parameters (including headers), security requirements, and response object structure, click the Source tab for the External service to view the OpenAPI specification source.
      For other information about the service, see the REST server configuration for the external service.
  3. Check the server certificate for the REST service that you want to invoke.
    By using JavaScript you can override any SSL configuration that is specified as part of the REST server.
    1. If the server certificate is signed by a public certification authority, you can use the preconfigured SSL configuration that is named PublicInternetSSLSettings.
    2. If the server certificate is not signed by one of the public certification authorities that are included in the preconfigured SSL configuration, an administrator should create a new SSL configuration for this service and import the server certificate into a new trust store. For information about administering SSL configurations, see Creating a Secure Sockets Layer configuration and Retrieving signers from a remote SSL port.
  4. If you already have a service flow defined, select it. Otherwise create a service flow by clicking Services > + > Service flow. For more information about creating a service flow, see Creating a service flow.
  5. Add a script task to your service flow.
  6. Add JavaScript to the script task to perform the following actions.
    1. Create a new instance of the request object. For example:
      var request = new BPMRESTRequest();
    2. Set the request object's attributes as necessary, such as the mandatory external service name, operation name, HTTP headers, and parameters for the operation, and optional attributes such as credentials and SSL configuration name.
      Any attributes that you specify in the request object override any corresponding values that are specified as part of the REST server and the binding for the external service in the designer.
      The request object has the following attributes:
      The name of the REST service. For example:
      request.externalServiceName = "language-translator-v2";
      If the OpenAPI specification file specifies an operationId for the operation that you want to invoke, you must specify it as the operationName, otherwise, you must specify httpMethod and path. For example:
      httpMethod and path
      If the OpenAPI specification file does not specify an operationId for the operation, to identify the operation to be invoked you must specify the HTTP method and path instead of the operationName property. For example:
      request.httpMethod = "GET";
      request.path = "/v1/orders";
      Optionally overrides the scheme, hostname, port, and base path that are specified in the OpenAPI specification file. For example:
      request.endpointAddress = "https://localhost:9080/restBasePath";
      A JSON object that specifies HTTP headers. For example:
      request.httpHeaders = {"Content-Type": "application/json", 
                             "Accept": "text/plain"};
      Important: If the operation that you want to invoke has a body parameter, you must specify the Content-Type header to match the content type that you provide, otherwise you might get unpredictable results. The request header field names and values are not validated.
      For formData:
      • If it includes a file, specify content type multipart/form-data.
      • If it does not include a file, specify content type multipart/form-data or application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
      Important: If you specify an API key in an HTTP header, it overrides any dynamic API key that is specified on the data mapping tab of the service task, which overrides any API key that is specified on the external REST service binding tab.
      A JSON object that contains all necessary parameters for the operation. For example:
      request.parameters = {"priority": "high",
                            "customer": "Max", 
                            "age" : 23};
      The parameters can also be complex types. In this case, specify them in one of the following ways:
      request.parameters = {"priority": "high",
                            "customerInfo": { "customerFirstName" : "Max",
                                              "customerLastName" : "Smith",
                                              "amount" : 100.56,
                                              "isActive" : true }};
      request.parameters = {"priority": "high",
                            "customerInfo": tw.local.customerInfo};
      where the variable customerInfo is of complex type CustomerInfo, with properties customerLastName (String), customerFirstName (String), amount (Decimal) and isActive (Boolean).
      Important: To make sure that a property of type integer within a complex type is interpreted correctly as an integer it must be specified as a variable of type Integer.
      The time in milliseconds to wait until the request will timeout. For example:
      request.requestTimeout = 2000;
      The time in milliseconds to wait until the response will timeout. For example:
      request.responseTimeout = 7200;
      username and password
      The user name and password, when using basic authentication. For example:
      request.username = "user";
      request.password = "password";
      Provide the invocation credentials instead of the username and password for basic authentication. For example:
      request.invocationCredential = "MyAuthenticationAlias";
      The name of the SSL configuration to use. For example:
      request.sslConfiguration = "MySSLConfiguration";
      Important: Make sure that you pass in the correct values that are required for a successful REST invocation. Values are passed onto the REST service without validation.
    3. Call the tw.system.invokeREST() function on the request object, assigning the result to a new response object of type BPMRESTResponse().
      For example:
      var response = tw.system.invokeREST(request);
      Tip: If you get the following error:
      PKIX path building failed ...
      You must get your administrator to create an SSL configuration and import the server certificate, as described in step 3.b.
      Tip: If you get the following error: Remote host closed connection during handshake

      The SSL/TLS protocol that is specified in the SSL configuration and the range of SSL/TLS protocols supported by the server do not match. You must get your server administrator to change the SSL/TLS protocol, in the Quality of protection (QoP) settings section of the SSL configuration.

    4. Process the response as necessary.
      Typically you check the HTTP status code to see if the request was successful. If there was an error, you can either handle it in the script task itself, or assign values to variables to allow handling different errors in your service flow. Note that you can also catch exceptions in your Java script code using a try/catch block, otherwise the exception will end the script. The following example snippet shows how to access the HTTP status code, HTTP status message, HTTP headers of the response as well as the content of the response in your script task.
      // Evaluate the response and process as necessary
      var httpStatusCode = response.httpStatusCode;
      var httpStatusMessage = response.httpStatusMessage;
      var httpHeaders = response.httpHeaders;
      var content = response.content;
      Remember: You cannot store the response in a service flow variable directly; this would produce the error Java Class com.lombardisoftware.core.script.js.BPMRESTResponseScriptable is not registered as supported class for the SymbolTable. Instead, you can extract the properties of this object and store them in service flow variables either individually or as part of a Business Object.
      Tip: For an example of error handling code, see Handling REST service errors.
    For more information about the BPMRESTRequest() request object and the BPMRESTResponse response object, see JavaScript API.
  7. Click Save or Finish Editing.