Capturing process instrumentation data

The Process Admin Console includes an Instrumentation monitor to help identify performance bottlenecks in Workflow Server and to capture instrumentation data that you can use to further analyze any performance issues.

Before you begin

You must log in to the Process Admin Console.


  • To access the Instrumentation monitor and display the most recent data:
    1. In the side menu of the Process Admin Console, click Monitoring to list the available monitoring options.
    2. Click the Instrumentation option.
    3. Click the Refresh button.
    4. To automatically refresh the displayed data, select the time interval that you want from the drop-down menu.
    5. To reset all values to 0, click the Reset button.
      This enables you to monitor performance as data is collected.
  • To log instrumentation data to an external .dat file:
    1. In the side menu of the Process Admin Console, click Monitoring to list the available monitoring options.
    2. Click the Instrumentation option.
    3. Click the Start Logging button.
      The Instrumentation monitor displays the path and file to which the data is saved. The file is created and stored on the host of the IBM® Cloud Pak for Business Automation server that you are currently monitoring.
    4. Click the Stop Logging button to end data capture to the log file.
    Logging instrumentation data to an external .dat file generates a lot of data and impacts both the processor and memory consumption of the system. Limit the use of logging to investigate performance issues with the server only.

What to do next

You can use the Process Monitors monitor to drill into the process application to identify the steps that are expensive, and learn how long it takes to run services.