Configuring Workforce Insights

Workforce Insights provides measurements related to workforce performance, from process activities to team analytics.

Before you begin

You must install Business Automation Insights and configure event emitters. See Configuring event emitters.

About this task

Workforce Insights calculates various process-related KPIs, such as activity work time, activity wait time, activity execution frequency, reworks, actor efficiency ranking, team utilization, and team throughput.


  1. Configure the parameters for Workforce Insights in the custom resource definition file.
    Go to the "Workforce Insights configuration parameters" section. For more information, see IBM Business Automation Workflow and Workstream Services parameters.
    • Specify the number of replicas by setting the following property to the number of pods that you want:
          replicas: <number_of_pods>
    • Enable autoscaling, which allows Kubernetes to dynamically scale the number of Workforce Insights pods to handle requests from Business Automation Workflow. To enable autoscaling, set the following properties:
            enabled: true
            max_replicas: <max_replicas>
            min_replicas: <min_replicas>
            target_cpu_utilization_percentage: <cpu_utiliziation_percentage>
  2. Configure Business Automation Workflow parameters for Workforce Insights in the custom resource definition.
    Go to the "Workflow Services configuration parameters" section and add the following attributes under baw_configuration:
      - name: instance1
          enable: true
          enable_task_api: true
          enable_task_record: true
            - {'app_name': '*', 'version': '*', 'component_type': '*', 'component_name': '*', 'element_type': '*', 'element_name': '*', 'nature': '*'}

    To activate Workforce Insights, add a business_event section under each Business Automation Workflow instance with both enable_task_api and enable_task_record set to true.