Changing the directory service bind credentials

If changes are made to the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) bind user, the administrator bind credentials, or the server hostname then you must update the deployment. Connection errors result if you do not update the deployment.

About this task

Note: To see how to change the directory service bind credentials for a Business Automation Workflow, see Updating the Business Automation Workflow deployment after an LDAP password change.

If the Content Platform Engine is bound directly to the LDAP, see Update directory service bind user credentials.


  1. Log in to your LDAP server to update your LDAP bind credentials.
  2. Access the Identity Management (IM) console to update the LDAP bind credentials for your existing settings.
    1. Use the following command to get the URL to access <your namepspace>.
      oc get route -n <your namespace> cp-console -o jsonpath='{}'

      The command returns an output: ''. Based on the example output, your console URL is

    2. The default username to access the console is admin. To get the default username, run the following command.
      oc -n <your namespace> get secret platform-auth-idp-credentials -o jsonpath='{.data.admin_username}' | base64 -d && echo
    3. To get the credentials for the default username, run the following command.
      oc -n <your namespace> get secret platform-auth-idp-credentials -o jsonpath='{.data.admin_password}'| base64 -d
    4. Log in to the IM console to update the LDAP bind credentials and save your changes.
  3. Edit the LDAP connection.

    Update the LDAP bind credentials in the secret "ldap-bind-secret" under your namespace.

What to do next