Setting completion menu options
To set completion menu options:
- In the toolbar for the editing area, click the Completion Menu Options icon.
Select the check boxes for the options that you want to
Enable on Spacebar:
Select to open the completion menu whenever you press Spacebar while you type in the editing area.
Clear this check box if you want the completion menu to open only when you press Ctrl+Spacebar.
Enable on double-click:
Select to open the completion menu when you double-click a word in the editing area.
Clear this check box if you want double-clicking to select the current word instead.
Enable auto-restart:
Select to automatically reopen the completion menu when a term or phrase is selected.
Clear this check box if you want to open the completion menu by pressing Ctrl+Spacebar.
Enable smart mode:
Select to filter the completion menu entries in a smart way to reduce the number of entries.
Enable template mode:
Select if you want the editor to insert relevant placeholders along with the phrases that you select from the completion menu. You complete phrases by clicking the placeholders and selecting options from the completion menu. Enable this mode if you want to insert longer phrases, and then substitute placeholders.
Clear this check box if you want the editor to insert only the section of the suggested phrase up to (but not including) the next placeholder. Deactivate this mode if you prefer to build a complete rule in the same way that you might compose an email message.
Use Hierarchical View:
Select if you want the completion menu to group terms and phrases by type, such as Boolean expressions. Grouping items by type can make it easier to navigate long lists of options.
Clear this check box if you want the completion menu to list terms and phrases in alphabetical order.
Filter unreachable phrases:
Select if you want the completion menu to hide phrases that cannot be used because there is no suitable rule set parameter or rule variable.
Display toolbar:
Select if you want to display the completion menu toolbar above the list of available terms and phrases.
Clear this check box if you want to hide the completion menu toolbar.
Display documentation:
Select if you want to display hover help next to the completion menu. When you hover your mouse pointer over a term or phrase, context-sensitive help is displayed in an adjacent panel.
Clear this check box if you want to hide the hover help.
- Click outside the Completion Menu Options window to save your settings.