Configuring Business Automation Workflow Runtime and Workstream Services

Before you install, configure the custom resource YAML file for your Workflow Runtime, Workstream Services, or both.

Before you begin

Follow the instructions in Preparing to install Business Automation Workflow Runtime and Workstream Services.


  1. Open the CR file that you created in Option 1a: (Recommended) Generating the custom resource with the deployment script.
  2. Check the values to make sure they are the values that you want to deploy.
    • Make sure that the shared_configuration section of the CR file contains values for all required parameters, such as sc_deployment_baw_license.
    • Make sure that the baw_configuration section of the CR file contains the details of the configuration settings that you already created, such as the names of your persistent volume claims, secrets, and data sources.
    For more information, see IBM Business Automation Workflow and Workstream Services parameters.

What to do next

Continue to configure the other capabilities that are in your CR file, and make sure that you complete the last step Validating the YAML in your custom resource file before you deploy the CR.