Optimizing the login time for web applications
About this task
When a user logs in to IBM® Cloud Pak for Business Automation web applications such as the Process Portal, group membership is recalculated and can be cached for that user on the database. This process might significantly affect performance because it can take up to several seconds, depending on how many user groups are registered to the system. Moreover, any interaction from the user is blocked while the group memberships are calculated. See also, Specifying that members of a group member cache are retrieved from the database.
When a user logs in and out several times within a period, or logs in to different applications, the group memberships are refreshed each time. To help improve performance, you can use the user-group-membership-sync-cache-expiration configuration property to specify the amount of time, in minutes, after which the calculation of user group membership is repeated. For example, if the user logs in and out and in again to Process Portal, and if the time that elapsed since the first login is shorter than the specified number of minutes, the group memberships are not recalculated on the second login.
The default value is 1 minute. If you set this property to -1, user group memberships are never refreshed upon login. Specify this value only when specific administration procedures regularly refresh group memberships.
For more information about customizing configuration properties, see The 100Custom.xml file and configuration.
Make changes to the 100Custom.xml file by following the procedure described at Customizing Business Automation Workflow properties.