View general properties

The general properties of a view set general text information such as the instance label and binding information such as the data binding and view definition binding.
The general properties consist of the following fields:
General property Description
Label Sets the display name of the view. The location of the label depends on the view type and whether that location has been overridden by CSS coding. The default value is the name of the view.
Restriction: When you place the view in a table, the label of the view cannot use references to entities within a list, such as currentItem or selectedItem.
Help Provides an area in which you can provide hover help for the view instance.
Control ID Provides an identifier that you can use in JavaScript to access this particular view instance. The Control ID is also known as the view ID in the API documentation.
Binding Sets the business object that is associated with this view instance
View Sets the view definition that the view instance uses. When you change this property, you change the type of the view, and the configuration properties that you previously set no longer apply.
Label Visibility Sets whether users can see the label at run time. For example, you might want to have a Text Area view display a large description with no accompanying label. The values are Show (default) and Hide.

For example, you can use a variable to dynamically change the visibility according to various conditions. If you use a variable to set the visibility, the variable must be a string with one of the following values: SHOW HIDE.

Base Text Direction Sets the direction of the text that is displayed by the view, such as label text, text values, and other text that the user sees.

The Base Text Direction property is available only if you enable the Base Text Direction preference. For information, see Adding bidirectional language support.

The default value is Default, which means the view uses the text direction that is set in the user's profile. When you set the text direction to Left to Right or Right to Left, the text is locked to the specified direction. When you set the text direction to Contextual, the first strong directional character in a string determines its text direction. This rule applies to all text elements that a view displays. For example, a Text view has an Arabic label, but its field contents are English. In this case, the text in the label is from right to left although the text in the field is from left to right.

Note: In the view editor, you can assign a variable for the Label, Help, Visibility, and Label Visibility general properties of any nested view instances. A special category of variables, called general options, is available in the configuration options. These variables correspond to the view Label, Help, Visibility, and Label Visibility general properties. That is, the nested view instance can refer to its parent view general properties. Unlike the other configuration options, you cannot edit their values in the Variables view.