Converting project artifacts

When you import a project from an on-premises IBM® Process Designer, you might see errors, which means that you must modify artifacts to enable your project to be installed and run in this environment.

Before you begin

Before you export a project from an on-premises Process Designer, you can resolve the errors in the Target environment conversion tab. However, resolving the errors is not mandatory because you can resolve them in after you import the project, as described in the following procedure.

About this task

After you import a project from an on-premises Process Designer and open it, you might see a Convert your project indicator. Clicking this indicator opens the Project conversion tab where you can convert, delete, or repair artifacts so your project can run.

Alternatively, at the bottom of the editor there is a Validation errors and warnings icon that is used to open the Validation errors and warnings view, which displays all errors in the project as an expandable tree. In the tree, the Unsupported artifacts category lists artifacts that are not supported in this environment.

If your project contains artifacts that are not compatible with this environment, the Project conversion tab is displayed in the Process App Settings editor. If your process app depends on a toolkit that has incompatible artifacts, you'll see the toolkit in the Project conversion tab. Then, you can change the dependency to a compatible version of the toolkit or convert the incompatible artifacts in the toolkit.
Tip: Before making any changes, create a snapshot as a backup.


  1. In the UI, BPD, or Service conversion required list box, complete the following steps:
    1. Select a UI, BPD, or Service link. The appropriate conversion tab opens.
    2. Select one or more of the listed artifacts that require conversion.
    3. Click Convert.
    4. Select the Project conversion tab. The selected link is removed from the list box because the associated artifacts are now compatible with this environment.
  2. In the Manual fixes required list box, complete the following steps:
    1. Hover your cursor over the link for an artifact that requires manual fixes. The hover help provides additional information about the manual fixes that are required.
    2. Select the artifact link to open the artifact in the appropriate editor.
    3. In the "Validation errors and warnings" view, click the Switch to the current artifact view icon to restrict the displayed errors and warnings to only those associated with the opened artifact.
    4. Fix the critical errors.
    5. Return to the Project conversion tab. The selected link is removed from the list box because the associated artifact is now compatible with this environment.
  3. In the Other conversions required list box, complete the following steps:
    1. Select one or more artifacts that require conversion.
    2. Click Convert. The selected artifacts are removed from the list box because they are now compatible with this environment.
  4. In the Deletions required list box, complete the following steps:
    1. Select one or more artifacts that require deletion.
    2. Click Delete. The selected artifacts are removed from the list box.
  5. If you see toolkits listed n the Toolkit dependencies section, select a compatible version of the toolkit or modify the toolkit artifacts by opening the toolkit and following steps 1-4.