References to external ECM systems from a BPM folder
Retrieving folders by path
When you define the initial folder structure in the Folders tab of a process model, you can define folder references and identify the folders by their path. Also, you can define precondition triggers for activities based on a document that is filed into folder. To identify a folder, you specify its path. To look up folders by path, the getObjectByPath operation of the CMIS object services is used. If you use the function to automatically create folders, the parent of a folder is determined by removing the last part of the folder path. For example, if the folder path is /a/b/c, then the parent folder is identified by the /a/b path.
Adding references to documents or folders
When you add a reference to a document or folder, you specify their identifier in the Add document to folder or Add folder to folder operation on the BPM managed store. The entity in the ECM system is located by using the getObject operation of the CMIS object services.
Retrieving the children of a BPM folder
You use the Get children operation on the BPM managed store to get the children,
the subfolders and documents of a BPM folder. To fulfill this request, the query operation of the
CMIS discover services is invoked in the ECM systems that contain the referenced documents and
folders. The CMIS query uses a WHERE clause to filter on the folders by their
and for documents by their cmis:versionSeriesId
(documents only)cmis:objectTypeId
The allowable actions for such items are also not accurate. Items that are deleted in the ECM system are still shown in the BPM folder, but if you perform operations on them, for example to view a document, these operations will fail.