Subscribing to Blueworks Live processes in the Process Designer workflow designer

You can access IBM® Blueworks Live processes in the workflow designer by subscribing to those processes. For each Blueworks Live process that you subscribe to, a process is created. If the Blueworks Live process that you subscribe to contains linked processes, a separate subscription and process is created for each linked process.

Before you begin

About this task

You can subscribe to multiple Blueworks Live processes from one workflow automation. Each process that you subscribe to is managed as a separate subscription.
Restriction: You cannot subscribe to processes if you are using a Blueworks Live user account that has single sign-on enabled or IBMid enabled.


  1. In the designer, go to the library and click the plus sign next to Processes, and click Blueworks Live Subscription.
  2. If you are not using the default Blueworks Live server, specify the URL. Enter the client ID and client secret created by the Blueworks Live admin and click Next. For more information, see Blueworks Live API.
  3. Click the Blueworks Live space that you want and select the processes to subscribe to.
    The processes are listed alphabetically. You can search for specific spaces by name, and you can search for specific processes by name or by selecting their space. To select multiple spaces, use CTRL + click. To open a Blueworks Live process in Blueworks Live, click the preview icon next to the process name.
    • You can subscribe only to Blueworks Live processes that have at least one snapshot. If you select a process that does not have a snapshot, you are notified and the subscription is not created.
    • You can subscribe only to Blueworks Live processes that have a process diagram. Processes without diagrams are not displayed in the list.
  4. On the Summary page, verify the list of Blueworks Live processes shown. If you want the process names that are displayed in the designer to be different from the Blueworks Live process names, type the new names.


Blueworks Live processes that you subscribe to are displayed when you expand the Processes category in the library. If you go to the All category and click to see all library items in the current process application, Blueworks Live items are marked with a Blueworks Live tag.

When you subscribe to a Blueworks Live process, library items are created automatically. Variables and data mappings are created for activities in the process. The following table shows the mapping between the elements in Blueworks Live and the new elements created in Business Automation Workflow.
Table 1.
Blueworks Live element New element created in Business Automation Workflow
Process Process
Milestone Timing interval created for each interval. Tracking group created to contain all timing intervals in process.
Normal activity System task implemented by the default system service
User task Inline user task. System task implemented by the default system service, if not assigned to a swimlane participant.
Decision task Decision task implemented by a new service flow
Service task System task implemented by a new service flow
Subprocess Subprocess
Linked subprocess New process created for linked-to process, with its own subscription
Parallel gateway Parallel gateway
Exclusive gateway Exclusive gateway
Inclusive gateway Inclusive gateway
Swimlane participant Team
Process inputs Included in process documentation
Activity inputs Included in activity documentation
Process outputs Included in process documentation
Activity outputs Included in activity documentation
Start event None start event
Timer start event If the timer start event is the only start event in the diagram, a none start event is created.
Message start event Message start event
Message event Message receiving event
Timer event Timer event
End event (default) End event
Error end event Error end event
Message end event Message end event
Message boundary event Message boundary event
Timer boundary event Timer boundary event
Error boundary event Error boundary event
Escalation boundary event No corresponding element created
Loop marker: Simple loop Simple loop
Loop marker: Multi-Loop Multi-instance loop
Documentation (activity) Documentation for activity
Documentation (process) Documentation for process
Activity details (cost, business owners, etc.) Included in activity documentation
Process details (cost, business owners, etc.) Included in process documentation
Tags No corresponding element created
Policies No corresponding element created
Attachments No corresponding element created

What to do next

If you subscribe to Blueworks Live processes and need to change those processes later, you can open the processes in Blueworks Live directly from the workflow designer. Open the subscription and click Open Process in Blueworks Live. You can make the required changes in both Blueworks Live and the workflow designer, and then reset the subscription date so that you know your process application is in sync with Blueworks Live. Make sure to subscribe to only those Blueworks Live processes that you want included in the workflow automation.

To find out if other people have updated the Blueworks Live process, see Managing changes for Blueworks Live processes.