Implementing activities in a process

Choose the implementation for each activity in your process and set the required properties.

About this task

The following table lists the options available when you choose the implementation for an activity and provides a link to detailed information and procedures. To learn more about the types of tasks that are available, see Task types.
Table 1. Implementation options available for activities in process diagrams
Implementation option Description See...
User Task Select this option if an activity is to be started or completed by a user (human performer). For example, if an activity requires that managers enter employee data, choose User Task and select or create a client-side human service to implement the task. You can also implement a user task by using an external service that has an external implementation. Building a client-side human service

Creating an external implementation to implement an activity

Inline User Task Inline user tasks are extensions of user tasks. You do not need to attach a human service to an inline user task because a human service is already provided by default. Working with inline user tasks

Configuring coach templates for inline user tasks

System Task Select this option if an activity is to be completed by an automated system or service. For example, if an activity requires integration with an external system, such as a database, choose System Task and select or create an Integration service to implement the task. Service types
Decision Task Select this option when you want a decision or condition in a business rule to determine which process implementation is started. For example, if you want to implement an activity when a condition evaluates to true, choose Decision Task and select or create a decision service to implement the task. Service types
Script Choose this option if you plan to create a script to implement an activity. A Script activity runs a Java™ script. Using complex variables and lists in JavaScript
Subprocess Use this option to encapsulate logically related steps within a parent process. Steps in a subprocess can directly access business objects (variables) from the parent process. No data mapping is required. However, unlike a linked process, a subprocess can be accessed and instantiated only from the parent process, and it is not reusable by any other process or subprocess. Therefore, use a subprocess for those implementations that are limited to a single process. Modeling subprocesses
Linked Process You can implement an activity by using a linked process. Linked processes encapsulate logically related steps within a process while retaining the high-level view of the parent process. Linked processes differ from subprocesses because they can be accessed and instantiated from processes other than a single parent process. Working with linked processes
Event Subprocess Use this specialized subprocess to model event-handling logic for a process or subprocess. It is triggered upon occurrence of a configured start event, and it is not connected to other steps through a sequence flow. It has access to the business objects (variables) of its parent process, and can encapsulate steps that use those variables. When triggered, an event subprocess can either interrupt the execution of its parent or can run in parallel. Modeling event subprocesses
Tip: To learn how to make an activity conditional, see Configuring conditional activities.


To select an implementation type and set its properties, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the process and switch to Definition.
  2. Add the activity that you want to use to the canvas.

Set the properties for the activity, depending on the implementation type.

  1. (System Tasks and Decision Tasks only). Select Delete task on completion if you want to run an automated service that does not require routing. When you select this check box, audit data for the task is not retained by the workflow server. By default, this option is disabled.
  2. (User Tasks, System Tasks, and Decision Tasks only) In the Task Header section, specify the following properties:
    Table 2. Properties in the Task Header section
    Property Action
    Clean State Select to clear the runtime execution state of an activity after it is complete. By default, this option is disabled. Enable this option only when you do not want to store execution data (such as variable values) for viewing after the process finished execution.
    Subject Type a descriptive subject for the task that is generated for the business user when you run the process. You can also use the embedded JavaScript syntax (for example, <#=tw.local.mySubject#>) to express the subject.
    Narrative Type an optional description. You can also use the embedded JavaScript syntax to express the narrative.
    Restriction: Do not use JavaScript variable references in task narratives if you need the data to be available after the task completes. When a task is complete, the data for completed tasks is removed to conserve space. Instead, store the data items in another location, such as a database.
  3. (User Tasks, Decision Tasks and System Tasks only) In the Priority Settings section, specify values as needed.
    Tip: If you prefer to use a JavaScript expression with predefined variables to establish the priority settings, click JS for options.
    1. Under Priority, select one of the default priority codes from the list: Highest, High, Normal (the default), Low, or Lowest.
    2. Under Due In, enter a value in the text box and then choose Minutes, Hours, or Days from the list. When you choose Days, you can use the text box after the list to specify hours and minutes.
      You can also use the variable selector next to the text box to choose an existing variable from the library. At run time, the variable reflects the specified value for the time period. Select the required option from the list: Minutes, Hours, or Days.
      Do not set a due in value greater than 800 Hours, Minutes, or Days as it decreases performance, and the calculation for the due date takes a long time. Instead, use a JavaScript expression to directly set the due date and avoid the costly calculation that includes multiple checks for the time or holiday schedule. To set the due date, click JS, and use the variable selector next to the text box to pass either an existing Date variable, or create a new one, for example new TWDate('2020-12-01 09:08:06.02').
      Note: When you pass a fixed due date, any time or holiday schedule are ignored.
    3. Under Schedule, select an option from the list. For example, select 24x7 if you want 24 hours a day, seven days a week to be the time period in which the resulting tasks from the current activity can be due.
      You can leave the Schedule, Timezone, and Holiday Schedule fields set to (use default). If you do, the work schedule that is specified for the process is used.
    4. Under Timezone, select the time zone that you want to apply to the tasks that result from the current activity. For example, you can select US/Pacific for users who work in California.
    5. Under Holiday Schedule, leave the setting at (use default) as described in the preceding note, or click JS if you prefer to use a JavaScript expression. Each holiday schedule is made up of a list of dates.
      If you choose JavaScript, you can enter either a String (or String-generated JavaScript) or a JavaScript that returns a TWHolidaySchedule variable. If you use a String, the Holiday Schedule the run time looks up the name according to those rules. If you use a TWHolidaySchedule variable, it is assumed that the holiday schedule is appropriately specified. (Go to the System Data toolkit and open the TWHolidaySchedule variable to view its parameters.)
  4. (User Tasks only) In the Processing Behavior section, select Automatically flow to next task to run the next task in the sequence automatically if the task is assigned to the same user. The coach of the next activity is displayed to the user. Do not use this option to model all user screen flow interactions at the process level or the token might time out, causing the user to go to the task list instead of the coach. See Automatically starting the user's next task.
  5. Click Save or Finish Editing.