Assigning a process activity to a dynamically retrieved team

If you do not want to assign a process activity to a static team, you can define a team retrieval service that dynamically returns a set of users and managers.

About this task

You can define a new team retrieval service either when you define a team, or when you assign an activity to a team.


If you are working with a process, and want to assign an activity to a dynamically retrieved team, complete the following actions.

  1. Open a process application that contains a process.
  2. In the process diagram, select the activity that you want to assign to a team that is defined by a team retrieval service.
  3. Go to the Assignments page in the properties view.
  4. From the Assign To list, select Team.
  5. To assign the activity to an existing dynamically defined team, click Select then select the name of the dynamically defined team.
  6. To assign the activity to a new dynamically defined team, click New, provide a team name, then follow the instructions described in Setting up a team retrieval service.


The team's members are determined dynamically by the appropriate team retrieval service.