Process Portal dashboards

Dashboards use charts and graphs to help you visualize status data for one or more business processes. To analyze and manage the work on your business processes, you can use the Process Portal ready-to-use dashboards or the company-specific dashboards that your installation might provide.

The following ready-to-use dashboards are included in Process Portal and available to you if you have the appropriate authorization. For more information about the different types of authorization, see Dashboards in Process Portal. For dashboards to work correctly, Process Portal indexing must be enabled.

Note: Only the Work and Next Task dashboards are responsive and accessible on all devices. The other ready-to-use dashboards are not responsive. They are also not accessible on mobile devices.
Tip: To see the Process Portal Processes, Process Performance, and Team Performance dashboards in a Business Automation Workflow on containers environment (stand-alone Business Automation Workflow or Cloud Pak for Business Automation), you must have the optional Process Federation Server installed.
Dashboard Usage Required authorization
Work Shows your claimed tasks and all the unclaimed tasks that are assigned to your team.

You can filter tasks lists and create saved searches.

You must be a member of the team who can claim tasks that belong to the process instance.

Rights on saved searches can be restricted to some users or groups of users. For more information on searches in the Work dashboard, see Searches and saved searches.

If you have a deployment where Business Automation Workflow and Workstream Services coexist in the same container, this list also includes workstream tasks, which you can work on. For more information on workstreams, see Managing workstreams.

Processes Shows lists of active and completed process and workstream instances. You can use search filters to reduce the number of instances in the list. To see more information about a process instance, click the instance name. For workstream instances listed here, no instance information is available. See Limitations.
Tip: To see this dashboard in a Business Automation Workflow on containers environment, you must have the optional Process Federation Server installed.
You can see a specific instance if you are in one of the following situations:
  • Be a member of the instance owner team.
  • Own a task in the instance, be a member of the team who can claim tasks that belong to the instance, or be the manager of this team.
    Note: If you have defined a team filter service or additional options (for example, "last user"), you see process instances if you are a member of a group that is defined for task assignment in the process model.
  • Be a member of the team that is assigned to the Expose Performance Metrics setting for the business process definition.
Process Performance Shows the status of the active instances of particular processes in your organization. You can act on individual process instances to resolve issues, such as bottlenecks.

See The Process Performance dashboard.

Tip: To see this dashboard in a Business Automation Workflow on containers environment, you must have the optional Process Federation Server installed.
  • To see the Process Performance dashboard, you must be a member of the Process Owner team.
  • To see a specific process, you must be a member of the team that is assigned to the Expose Performance Metrics setting for the business process definition.

Other users can view the process instance that is associated with the task that they are working on.

Team Performance Shows the status of the tasks for teams for which you are the designated team manager. You can manage the work load for the team and for individuals.

See The Team Performance dashboard.

Tip: To see this dashboard in a Business Automation Workflow on containers environment, you must have the optional Process Federation Server installed.
  • To see the Team Performance dashboard, you must be a member of the Managers team.
  • To manage a team's tasks, you must be a member of a team of managers.