REST interface for BPD-related resources - Project Named Snapshots List Resource - GET Method [deprecated]

This function is deprecated. Use this method to list the named snapshots in a project.

Sample method invocation

GET /rest/bpm/wle/v1/project/{projectId}/snapshots



Request content


Response content

The list of named snapshots in the project.

The default content type is application/json.

MIME type: application/json

               "name":{"type": "string", "description": "The name of the branch."},
               "branchId":{"type": "string", "description": "The ID of the branch."},
	            "snapshotId":{"type": "string", "description": "The ID of the snapshot."},
	            "name":{"type": "string", "description": "The name of the snapshot."},
	            "desc":{"type": "string", "description": "The description of the snapshot."},
	            "createdBy_userId":{"type": "long", "description": "The ID of the user who created the snapshot."},
	            "createdBy_userName":{"type": "long", "description": "The name of the user who created the snapshot."},
	            "created_on":{"type": "long", "description": "The snapshot creation date, which is a long value that the client needs to format based on the time zone."},
Example content
                        "name":"Hiring Sample 3",
                        "desc":"Hiring Sample for IBM BPM Standard",
                        "createdBy_userName":"Internal TW Admin user",
                        "desc":"only tw_user",
                        "createdBy_userName":"Internal TW Admin user",
                        "desc":"Test with Participant group PS_AdminGroup users tw_admin and tw_user.",
                        "createdBy_userName":"Internal TW Admin user",
                        "createdBy_userName":"Internal TW Admin user",
                        "createdBy_userName":"Internal TW Admin user",
                        "createdBy_userName":"Internal TW Admin user",

MIME type: application/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema targetNamespace=""

    <import schemaLocation="Common.xsd" namespace=""/>
    <import schemaLocation="BPMRestData.xsd" namespace=""/>

    <complexType name="SnapshotType">
		    <extension base="pref:Data">
				    <element name="snapshotId" type="string"/>
				    <element name="seq_num" type="decimal"/>
				    <element name="name" type="string"/>
				    <element name="desc" type="string"/>
				    <element name="richDesc" type="string"/>
				    <element name="createdBy_userId" type="long"/>
				    <element name="createdBy_userName" type="string"/>
				    <element name="created_on" type="long"/>
    <complexType name="tBranchSnapshots">
		    <extension base="pref:Data">
				    <element name="branchId" type="string"/>
				    <element name="name" type="string"/>
				    <element name="snapshots" type="tns:SnapshotType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <complexType name="tProjectSnapshots">
		    <extension base="pref:Data">
				    <element name="branches" type="tns:tBranchSnapshots"  maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <complexType name="tBranch">
		    <extension base="pref:Data">
				    <element name="branchId" type="string"/>
				    <element name="name" type="string"/>
    <complexType name="tProjectBranches">
		    <extension base="pref:Data">
				    <element name="branches" type="tns:tBranch"  maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
	<complexType name="POHistory">
        	<documentation>poName attribute will be set to the latest one in all changes. </documentation>
		    <extension base="pref:NamedElement">        
					<element name="poId" type="string" />
					<element name="poSubType" type="string" />
					<element name="iconType" type="int"/>
					<element name="changes" type="tns:ChangeItem"
						maxOccurs="unbounded" />

	<complexType name="ChangeItem">
        	<documentation>branchId will be only set when compare two branches. poName will be set if it is not same as the latest one.</documentation>
		    <extension base="pref:NamedElement">        
				    <element name="modified_on" type="long"/>
				    <element name="userName" type="string"/>
				    <element name="actionType" type="string"/>		
				<attribute name="branchId" type="string" use="optional" />
				<attribute name="branchName" type="string" use="optional" />
				<attribute name="branchAcronym" type="string" use="optional" />
    <complexType name="tSnapshotDelta">
		    <extension base="pref:Data">
				    <element name="snapshotIds" type="string" maxOccurs="2" minOccurs="1"/>
				    <element name="baseSnapshotId" type="string"/>
				    <element name="histories" type="cmn:Map"/>				    
Example content
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<bpm:ResponseData xmlns:bpm=""
	<data xmlns:xsi=""
		xmlns:snap="" xsi:type="snap:tProjectSnapshots">
				<name>Hiring Sample 3</name>
				<desc>Hiring Sample for IBM BPM Standard</desc>
				<createdBy_userName>Internal TW Admin user</createdBy_userName>
				<createdBy_userName>Internal TW Admin user</createdBy_userName>
				<createdBy_userName>Internal TW Admin user</createdBy_userName>
				<createdBy_userName>Internal TW Admin user</createdBy_userName>
				<createdBy_userName>Internal TW Admin user</createdBy_userName>
				<createdBy_userName>Internal TW Admin user</createdBy_userName>
				<createdBy_userName>Internal TW Admin user</createdBy_userName>
				<name>Main - v1.0</name>
				<createdBy_userName>Internal TW Admin user</createdBy_userName>
				<createdBy_userName>Internal TW Admin user</createdBy_userName>

Error Response content

Detailed error information.

The default content type is application/json.

MIME type: application/json

{  "description": "WLE Error Response", 
   "type": "object",
   {  "status": {"type": "string",
         "description": "The status of the previous API call."
      "exceptionType": {"type": "string",
         "description": "The classname associated with the exception."
      "errorNumber": {"type": "string",
         "description": "Message ID of the exception."
      "errorMessage": {"type": "string",
         "description": "Message text of the exception."
      "errorMessageParameters": {"type": ["string"], "optional": true,
         "description":"Message text parameters of the exception."
      "programmersDetails": {"type": "object", "optional": true,
         "description":"Additional exception details, for example, a stack trace."

Status codes

The method returns one of the following status codes:
200 OKSuccess completion.
400 Bad RequestThe parameters are not valid or they are missing.
401 UnauthorizedThe caller is not authorized for this request.
406 Not AcceptableThe requested content type or content encoding is not supported.
500 Internal Server ErrorA severe problem has occurred, programmer's details are provided.

Available since


Parent Topic: Project Named Snapshots List Resource