Custom resource pattern templates

All of the templates that you can use are provided in the CASE package. Custom resource pattern files for full customization of each component are also provided.

For more information about downloading cert-kubernetes, see Downloading the CASE files and cert-kubernetes.

Two types of template are provided for production deployments. Simplified templates are used by the deployment script and the Red Hat OpenShift console to generate a custom resource file. Fully customizable templates can be used to refer to the default values and to copy and paste parameters into your final custom resource file or the CP4BA deployment editor based on Option 1a: (Recommended) Generating the custom resource with the deployment script.

Simplified custom resource templates (*_cr_production_xxx.yaml files)

These templates do not include the component-level configuration sections as they correspond to an operator role that is aware of a pattern. If a pattern is selected in the sc_deployment_patterns parameter, the operator selects the corresponding simplified template. The Cloud Pak operator uses the default values for all of the parameters.

Fully customizable custom resource templates (*_cr_production_FC_xxx.yaml files)

These templates do include the component-level configuration sections with default values for all of the parameters. These values are the values that are used in the simplified templates.

The following table shows the CP4BA multi-pattern templates in the cert-kubernetes/descriptors/patterns resource folder.

Table 1. CP4BA multi-pattern templates
Capabilities Reference templates
Multiple capabilities with no or few customizations ibm_cp4a_cr_production_foundation.yaml *
Automation Decision Services ibm_cp4a_cr_production_decisions_ads.yaml *
Automation Document Processing ibm_cp4a_cr_production_document_processing.yaml
Automation Workstream Services ibm_cp4a_cr_production_workstreams.yaml *
Business Automation Application ibm_cp4a_cr_production_application.yaml *
Business Automation Workflow
  • Workflow Authoring ibm_cp4a_cr_production_workflow-authoring.yaml *
  • Workflow Server ibm_cp4a_cr_production_workflow.yaml *
FileNet® Content Manager ibm_cp4a_cr_production_content.yaml *
Operational Decision Manager ibm_cp4a_cr_production_decisions.yaml *
Workflow Process Service Authoring ibm_cp4a_cr_production_workflow_process_service_authoring.yaml *

The following table shows the CP4BA FileNet Content Manager templates in the cert-kubernetes/descriptors/sub-operator/FNCM resource folder.

Table 2. CP4BA FileNet Content Manager pattern templates
Capabilities Reference templates
FileNet Content Manager ibm_content_cr_production.yaml *

Where * means you can copy and paste configuration parameters from other templates, including from fully customizable (FC) templates, into your custom resource file (*_my_cr_final.yaml).

Note: All simplified CR templates are well-formed CR YAML files for the capabilities that they define. Parameters that need custom values have a value of <Required>, which you must update with a real value before you apply the CR.