Importing business objects

Import JSON schemas to create complex business objects.

About this task

If you want business object definitions to be defined and managed outside of Workflow process designer inBusiness Automation Studio, you can import JSON schema with an OpenAPI schema specification into your workflow automation. The OpenAPI v3.0 input schema file needs to comprise openapi, info, and components fields.

Note: The business objects that are created from importing a JSON schema are read-only in the designer. If your schema definitions evolve outside of the Business Automation Studio, you can re-import the file thus update your business object definitions.


  1. Open the designer.
  2. In the library, click Data > + > Import business objects to import business object definitions.
    The New business objects window opens.
  3. Upload the schema file that you want to import, and click Next.
  4. The next dialog shows any syntax errors that are found in the imported JSON schema file. Depending on whether the schema file has errors, either:
    • If there are errors in your file, click View explanations or View all explanations to identify where the errors are in your imported file. Fix the errors in your file, click Back, and reupload the corrected version of the schema file.
    • If there aren't any errors, click Finish to import the schema.
    The imported file appears under Data > Imported schema files.