Prepare for the Decision Center data export
Prepare for the data export of your on-premises Decision Center web application.
About this task
Follow this procedure to prepare for the export of your on-premises Decision Center database.
What to do next
Two export options are presented here, but you apply them later, as described in Move Decision Center data. You can also do them right now if downtime is not an issue.
There are two ways you can use the dbdump tool to export the Decision Center database.
Option 1: Browse to http://<host>:<port>/decisioncenter-dbdump/
- Provide the JNDI name of the data source. The default value is jdbc/ilogDataSource.
- Optionally, click the Lookup button to display details about the data source.
- Provide the Decision Center schema name. The option "use data source default" indicates that the same schema name as the one computed by the Decision Center web app is used to retrieve the data tables.
- Do not check "Exclude definitions".
- Choose one of the following options to generate a .zip file of the Decision Center database.
- Click "Direct download"; the .zip download starts shortly. No file is saved to the server.
- Click "Save on server" to export the .zip directly to the server. When the export is complete, a link is generated.
Option 2: Use the following type of URL to initiate the download: http://<host>:<port>/decisioncenter-dbdump/services/download?<parameters...>
Where <parameters...> corresponds to the following arguments:
: the data source JNDI name (e.g. ds=jdbc/ilogDataSource)schemaName
: the name of the schema (e.g. schemaName=DCREPO)useDefaultSchemaName
: the request to use the default schema name with useDefaultSchemaName=true
If you encounter any problem, refer to the troubleshooting section of the technote Decision Center: Database export utility.
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