Specifying that members of a group member cache are retrieved from the database
setting in the appropriate
100Custom.xml file in your topology to specify that members of a group are
retrieved from the IBM® Business Automation
Workflow database only, and
not from a user registry, for example LDAP. This setting significantly increases the speed at which
group members are loaded into the cache and reduces the number of cache reloads.
About this task
The configuration setting improves the performance of process application deployment, changes to group memberships in the Process Admin Console, and internal group membership lookups, for example, for assignment of roles. It also minimizes the scenarios where an LDAP connection timeout can occur.
setting in the appropriate
100Custom.xml file in your topology (see the topic Location of 100Custom configuration files for its location) to specify that the members of a group are
determined from the database only.
<server merge="mergeChildren">
<group-member-cache-source merge="replace">DB</group-member-cache-source>
configuration property. For
more information, see Optimizing the login time for web
applications.Depending on the user activity in an environment, it might be possible that
the group memberships in the database are not as up-to-date as required when you use the
setting. To help resolve this problem, there are scripts
independent of the user login and group-member-cache-source
setting that can be
used to update the group memberships. However, depending on the number and complexity of group
memberships, these scripts can run for a long time and must be evaluated carefully.