REST interface for BPD-related resources - Systems Metadata Resource - GET Method

Retrieve metadata about one or more IBM Business Automation Workflow installations (single server or cluster).

Sample method invocation

GET /rest/bpm/wle/v1/systems



Request content


Response content

System details (SystemMetadata complexType).

The default content type is application/json.

MIME type: application/json

{  "description": "WLE Systems", 
   "type": "object",
   {  "systems":
         {  "systemID": {"type": "string", "optional": true,
               "description": "ID of the system that is described by this object."
            "systemType": {"type": "string",
               "description": "Type of the system that is described by this object.",
            "version": {"type": "string",
               "description": "Version of the system that is described by this object.",
            "buildLevel": {"type": "string",
               "description": "Build level of the system that is described by this object.",
            "groupWorkItemsEnabled": {"type": "boolean",
               "description": "States whether group work items can be used."
            "substitutionEnabled": {"type": "boolean",
               "description": "States whether substitution is enabled."
            "substitutionManagementRestrictedToAdministrators": {"type": "boolean",
               "description": "States whether substitution management is restricted to administrators."
            "taskHistoryEnabled": {"type": "boolean",
               "description": "States whether the collection of task history events is enabled."
            "workBasketsEnabled": {"type": "boolean",
               "description": "States whether work baskets are enabled."
            "businessCategoriesEnabled": {"type": "boolean",
               "description": "States whether business categories are enabled."
            "taskSearchEnabled": {"type": "boolean",
               "description": "States whether task searches are enabled."
			"notificationWebMessagingEnabled": {"type": "boolean",
               "description": "States whether notifications are enabled."
            "taskListWebMessagingEnabled": {"type": "boolean",
               "description": "States whether task list auto refresh is enabled."
            "apiVersion": {"type": "string",
               "description": "A string indicating the version of the BPM REST API."
            "supports": {"type": "[string]",
               "description": "List of features the API supports."
            "resources": {"type": "[string]",
               "description": "List of supported resource types."
            "hostName": {"type": "string",
               "description": "Hostname of the system that is described by this object."
            "environment" :
                   { "key" : { "type": "string",
   	  	    		 "description": "The key associated with the environment variable name."
   	  			   { "value" : { "type": "string",
   	  	    		 "description": "They value of the environment variable"
Example content
            "buildLevel":"Development Build",

MIME type: application/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema targetNamespace=""

    <import schemaLocation="Common.xsd" namespace=""/>
    <import schemaLocation="BPMRestData.xsd" namespace=""/>

	 This type is used to return information about one or more IBM BPM installations
	 (single server or a cluster).
    <complexType name="SystemMetadata">
	    <extension base="pref:Data">

		    <!-- A list of IBM BPM installations -->
		    <element name="systems" type="tns:Systems" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />

	This type contains information about a single IBM BPM installation.
    <complexType name="Systems">

	    <!-- A unique ID associated with the IBM BPM installation -->
	    <element name="systemID" type="string" />

	    <!-- A string representing the type of system (e.g. "SYSTEM_TYPE_WLE") -->
	    <element name="systemType" type="string" />

	    <!-- A string representing the BPM installation's version -->
	    <element name="version" type="string" />

	    <!-- A string representing the particular build of the IBM BPM product -->
	    <element name="buildLevel" type="string" />

	    <!-- Indicates whether group work items can be used -->
	    <element name="groupWorkItemsEnabled" type="boolean" />

	    <!-- Indicates whether substitution is enabled -->
	    <element name="substitutionEnabled" type="boolean" />

	    <!-- Indicates whether or not substitution management is restricted to administrators -->
	    <element name="substitutionManagementRestrictedToAdministrators" type="boolean" />

	    <!-- Indicates whether task history is enabled -->
	    <element name="taskHistoryEnabled" type="boolean" />

	    <!-- Indicates whether work baskets are enabled -->
	    <element name="workBasketsEnabled" type="boolean" />

	    <!-- Indicates whether business categories are enabled -->
	    <element name="businessCategoriesEnabled" type="boolean" />

	    <!-- Indicates whether task search is enabled -->
	    <element name="taskSearchEnabled" type="boolean" />
		<!-- Indicates whether bpd enhanced search is enabled -->
	    <element name="bpdEnhancedSearchEnabled" type="boolean" />
	    <!-- Indicates whether case enhanced search is enabled -->
	    <element name="caseEnhancedSearchEnabled" type="boolean" />
		<!-- Indicates whether notifications are enabled -->
	    <element name="notificationWebMessagingEnabled" type="boolean" />
		<!-- Indicates whether automatic refresh for task list is enabled -->
	    <element name="taskListWebMessagingEnabled" type="boolean" />

	    <!-- A string indicating the most recent version number of the BPM REST API -->
	    <element name="apiVersion" type="string"/>

	    <!-- A list of strings which represent features supported by the BPM REST API -->
	    <element name="supports" type="string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

	    <!-- A list of strings which represent resources supported by the BPM REST API -->
	    <element name="resources" type="string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

	    <!-- The fully-qualified hostname of the server -->
	    <element name="hostname" type="string"/>
	    <!--  A list of other environment variables that define the system -->
	    <element name="environment" type="tns:EnvironmentVariable" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
	    <!-- Flag to indicate whether Task Filter service is enabled or not -->
	    <element name="hostsTaskFilterService" type="boolean" />
	    <!-- A string indicating the cluster ip service name -->
	    <element name="clusterIpServiceName" type="string" />
	    <!-- The cluster ip service port -->
	    <element name="clusterIpServicePort" type="int" nillable="true" />

	This type is used to represent a list of DBA Application information.
    <complexType name="DBAApps">
	    <extension base="pref:Data"> 
		    <!-- A list of zero or more DBA Apps -->
		    <element name="dbaAppsList" type="tns:DBAAppsData" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
	This type contains the solution information associated with a Process App.
    <complexType name="DBAAppsData">

	    <!-- The Process App identifier -->
	    <element name="projectID" type="string"/>
	    <!-- The name associated with the Process App -->
	    <element name="projectName" type="string"/>
	    <!-- The short name associated with the Process App -->
	    <element name="projectShortName" type="string"/>
	    <element name="projectDefaultBranchID" type="string"/>
	    <element name="isTemplate" type="boolean"/>
	    <!-- There should be one and only one application flow -->
	    <element name="applicationFlowID" type="string"/>
	    <!-- The Application Flow's description -->
	    <element name="applicationFlowDescription" type="string"/>
	    <element name="applicationFlowIconID" type="string"/>
	This type is used to represent a list of Process Applications.
    <complexType name="ProcessApps">
	    <extension base="pref:Data"> 

		    <!-- A list of zero or more Process Apps -->
		    <element name="processAppsList" type="tns:ProcessAppsData" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
	This type contains the information associated with a Process App.
    <complexType name="ProcessAppsData">

	    <!-- The Process App identifier -->
	    <element name="ID" type="string"/>

	    <!-- The short name associated with the Process App -->
	    <element name="shortName" type="string"/>

	    <!-- The name associated with the Process App -->
	    <element name="name" type="string"/>

	    <!-- The Process App's description -->
	    <element name="description" type="string"/>
	    <element name="richDescription" type="string"/>

	    <element name="lastModifiedBy" type="string"/>
	    <element name="lastModified_on" type="dateTime"/>

		 For the Process Center, this is the name of the default workspace.
		 For the Process Server, this is the name of the default snapshot.
	    <element name="defaultVersion" type="string"/>
	    <element name="defaultBranchID" type="string"/>

	    <!-- The list of installed snapshots associated with this Process App -->
	    <element name="installedSnapshots" type="tns:InstalledSnapshotsData" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
	 This type contains information about an install snapshot.
    <complexType name="InstalledSnapshotsData">

	    <!-- The name of the snapshot -->
	    <element name="name" type="string"/>

	    <!-- The snapshot ID -->
	    <element name="ID" type="string"/>
	    <!-- The snapshot Acronym -->
	    <element name="acronym" type="string"/>

	    <!-- Indicates whether this snapshot is active or not -->
	    <element name="active" type="boolean"/>

	    <!-- A timestamp when the snapshot was activated -->
	    <element name="activeSince" type="dateTime"/>
	    <!-- A timestamp when the snapshot was created -->
	    <element name="createdOn" type="dateTime"/>
	     <!-- The snapshot tip -->
	    <element name="snapshotTip" type="boolean"/>
	    <!-- The branch (track) ID -->
	    <element name="branchID" type="string"/> 
	    <!-- The name of the branch (track) -->
	    <element name="branchName" type="string"/>

	This type is used to return the list of items that are exposed to the end user.
    <complexType name="ExposedItems">
	    <extension base="pref:Data"> 

		    <!-- A list of zero or more exposed items -->
		    <element name="exposedItemsList" type="tns:ExposedItemData" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
	 This type contains information about an exposed item.
	 An exposed item could be a process, service, report, or scoreboard.
    <complexType name="ExposedItemData">

	    <!-- The exposed ID of the item -->
	    <element name="ID" type="string"/>

		 The type associated with the exposed item.
		 The type will be one of: "process", "service", "scoreboard", or "report".
	    <element name="type" type="string"/>

		 The sub-type associated with the exposed item.
		 For type "service", it will be one of: "not_exposed", "administration_service",
		 "startable_service", "dashboard" or "url".
	    <element name="subtype" type="string"/>

	    <!-- The exposed URL of the item; use this to view or run the item -->
	    <element name="runURL" type="string"/>

	    <!-- The item's ID; this will be based on the type of the item -->
	    <element name="itemID" type="string"/>

	    <!-- The item's reference; this will be based on the type of the item -->
	    <element name="itemReference" type="string"/>

	    <!-- The ID of the Process App associated with this item -->
	    <element name="processAppID" type="string"/>
	   	<!-- The name of the Process App associated with this item -->
	    <element name="processAppName" type="string"/>
	   	<!-- The acronym of the Process App associated with this item -->
	    <element name="processAppAcronym" type="string"/>

	    <!-- The ID of the snapshot associated with this item -->
	    <element name="snapshotID" type="string"/>

	    <!-- The name of the snapshot associated with this item -->
	    <element name="snapshotName" type="string"/>
	    <!-- A timestamp when the snapshot was created -->
	    <element name="snapshotCreatedOn" type="dateTime"/>

	    <!-- The display name of the item; this will be the name of the Process, Service, or Scoreboard -->
	    <element name="display" type="string"/>
	    <!-- The item's title if it exists. Such as a scoreboard title. -->
	    <element name="title" type="string" />
	    <!-- Indicates if a tip-->
	    <element name="tip" type="boolean"/>
	    <!-- The branch (track)  ID -->
	    <element name="branchID" type="string"/> 
	    <!-- The name of the branch (track) -->
	    <element name="branchName" type="string"/>
	    <!-- If this exposed item cannot be started via a REST api, then this field is null
	         Otherwise this field contains a relative URL that can be used to start the process.
	         In such cases the caller may need to supply additional query parameters (parts, params)
	    <element name="startURL" type="string"/>
	    <!-- The acronym for the top level toolkit. Needed for task templates. -->
	    <element name="topLevelToolkitAcronym" type="string"/>
	    <!-- The name for the top level toolkit. Needed for task templates. -->
	    <element name="topLevelToolkitName" type="string"/>
	    <!-- Indication of the default snapshot. -->
	    <element name="isDefault" type="boolean"/>
	    <!-- Inidication if the item has been marked ready for mobile devices -->
	    <element name="isMobileReady" type="boolean"/>
	    <!-- BPD description is needed when exposed item REST API is called with ECM parameters, otherwise this element is not set. -->
	    <element name="itemDescription" type="string" />
	 This type contains information about an Environment Variable item.
	 Name value pair.
    <complexType name="EnvironmentVariable">
    	<extension base="pref:Data"> 
                 <!-- Process Application shortname -->
	             <element name="bpdShortname" type="string"/>	        
                 <!-- variable name -->
	             <element name="name" type="string"/>
	             <!-- variable value -->
	             <element name="value" type="string"/>
	             <!-- updated or added -->
	             <element name="success" type="string"/>	             
   	<element name="EnvironmentVariable" type="tns:EnvironmentVariable" />
    	This type contains a list of Resource Environment Providers Available 
    <complexType name="REPList">
    	<extension base="pref:Data">
    		<!-- REPs -->
    		<element name="providerList" type="common:StringList"/>
    <element name="REPList" type="tns:REPList" />
    	This type contains a list of properties contained in a Resource Environment Provider
    <complexType name="REPPropertiesListExhaustive">
    	<extension base="pref:Data">
    		<!-- REP Properties -->
    		<element name="propertyList" type="common:StringList"/>
    <element name="REPPropertiesListExhaustive" type="tns:REPPropertiesListExhaustive" />
   		Details of a REST ResourceEnvironmentProviderProperties api invocation
	<complexType name="REPPropertiesList">
		<extension base="pref:Data">
			<!-- REP Property -->
			<element name="propertyList" type="common:Map"/>
	<element name="REPPropertiesList" type="tns:REPPropertiesList" />
    	This type contains a list of EnvironmentVariables used for Collaboration System Integration
    <complexType name="CollabSystemsData">
	    <extension base="pref:Data"> 
		    <!-- A list of zero or more environment variables -->
		    <element name="collabSystemsList" type="tns:EnvironmentVariable" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Example content
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<bpm:ResponseData xmlns:bpm="">
    <data xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:sys="" xsi:type="sys:SystemMetadata">
        <buildLevel>Development Build</buildLevel>

MIME type: application/x-javascript

Error Response content

Detailed error information.

The default content type is application/json.

MIME type: application/json

{  "description": "WLE Error Response", 
   "type": "object",
   {  "status": {"type": "string",
         "description": "The status of the previous API call."
      "exceptionType": {"type": "string",
         "description": "The classname associated with the exception."
      "errorNumber": {"type": "string",
         "description": "Message ID of the exception."
      "errorMessage": {"type": "string",
         "description": "Message text of the exception."
      "errorMessageParameters": {"type": ["string"], "optional": true,
         "description":"Message text parameters of the exception."
      "programmersDetails": {"type": "object", "optional": true,
         "description":"Additional exception details, for example, a stack trace."

MIME type: application/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema targetNamespace=""
	elementFormDefault="unqualified" xmlns=""

    <import schemaLocation="BPMRestData.xsd" namespace="" />
	This type represents an error response.
    <element name="RestRuntimeException">
		<element name="status" type="string"/>
		<element name="Data" type="tns:ExceptionData">

	 This type contains detailed error information associated with an exception.
    <complexType name="ExceptionData">
	    <element name="status" type="string"/>

	    <!-- This specifies the java class name of the exception -->
	    <element name="exceptionType" type="string"/>

	    <!-- The message ID of the error message -->
	    <element name="errorNumber" type="string" minOccurs="0"/>

	    <!-- The complete error message -->
	    <element name="errorMessage" type="string"/>

	    <!-- The list of strings inserted into the error message -->
	    <element name="errorMessageParameters" type="string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

		 The stacktrace associated with the exception.
		 Note that this will be omitted unless the "server-stacktrace-enabled" property
		 is enabled in the server's 100Custom.xml file.
	    <element name="programmersDetails" type="string"></element>
	    <!-- Prior responses.  Set if a bulk command was used -->
	    <element name="responses" type="dat:BulkCommandResponses" minOccurs="0"></element>

            <element name="errorData" type="tns:ErrorData" minOccurs="0" />

    <complexType name="ErrorData">
            <element name="code" type="string" />
            <element name="data" type="string" minOccurs="0" />

MIME type: application/x-javascript

Status codes

The method returns one of the following status codes:
200 OKSuccess completion.
400 Bad RequestThe parameters are not valid or they are missing.
401 UnauthorizedThe caller is not authorized for this request.
406 Not AcceptableThe requested content type or content encoding is not supported.
500 Internal Server ErrorA severe problem has occurred, programmer's details are provided.

Available since


Parent Topic: Systems Metadata Resource