Optional: Enabling EMC Elastic Cloud Storage

You perform a simple additional configuration step to enable the use of EMC Elastic Cloud storage with your content services container environment.

About this task

To use EMC Elastic Cloud Storage as your fixed content device, you must add a Pool Entry Authorization (PEA) file to your container environment to enable communication with the device. You can perform this enablement step before or after you deploy the containers. The file must be present at runtime.

This additional step enables EMC Elastic Cloud Storage to work in a container environment. To use EMC Elastic Cloud storage as your fixed content device, you must also complete the typical configuration for the device in the Administration Console for Content Platform Engine.

For more information about using EMC Elastic Cloud Storage, see the topic EMC Elastic Cloud Storage fixed content device.


To enable EMC Elastic Cloud Storage:

  1. Obtain the PEA file from the EMC Elastic Cloud Storage server.
    You can generate the Pool Entry Authorization (PEA) file from the Elastic Cloud Storage (ECS) administration console.
  2. Copy the PEA file to the ../configDropins/overrides directory for the Content Platform Engine container.

What to do next

If you have not already configured your system for use with the EMC Elastic Cloud Storage device, see Overview for creating a fixed storage area in the IBM FileNet® P8 Platform documentation.