Configuring the Content Services GraphQL API

Content Services GraphQL API is an intuitive API that enables the caller to create, retrieve, update, or delete resources. The API is ideal for web and mobile application development because it supports retrieving exactly the data you need with a single call. You can make the API available for use by deploying the Content Services GraphQL API container.

Before you begin

This set of tasks assumes that you already deployed the Content Platform Engine V5.5.4 or later container, and deployed the GraphQL container. Verify that the container deployment is working as intended.

About this task

The Content Services GraphQL API provides a schema and an easy-to-understand query language system that simplifies application development for your Content Platform Engine. The API schema definition of types and fields matches Content Engine Java™ API object model closely, with necessary and desirable extensions for natural GraphQL developer consumption.

You can find more information about using the API in Content Services GraphQL development.

To make the API available, after container deployment, you configure authentication, cross origin resource sharing, and logging, then verify the GraphQL API deployment.