After you deploy the container images for Content Platform Engine and Content Search
Services, you modify the existing FileNet® P8 domain
configuration to incorporate the newly deployed Content Search Services.
To prepare Content Platform Engine to work with Content Search Services:
Obtain the configuration details for the new CSS services in the container
- Use the following command to get a list of all the pods, and determine the pod name for your CSS
server deployment:
kubectl get pod
- From the command line, use your CSS pod name and run the following
kubectl exec -it pod pod_name bash
- From the command line, change to the
/opt/IBM/ContentSearchServices/CSS_Server/bin directory, and run the following
command to get the authentication
./ printToken -configPath ../config
Make a note of the
token so you can use it during the configuration.
- Exit out of the pod.
Configure a text search server for each IBM Content Search Services deployment by going to , and complete the wizard:
Server state
- Ensure that all Content Search Services servers in the containerized environment are configured
properly to support the targeted environment size and requirements.
For example,
If you have 1 CSS server, then you want IndexandSearch mode (without HA).
If you have 2 CSS servers, then you want IndexandSearch
mode (for HA).
If you have 3 CSS servers, then you probably still want IndexandSearch
mode (for
If you have 4 CSS servers or more, then you can configure 2 or more as "Index Only" and 2 or more
as "Search only". The four servers give you HA and performance.
For more information about how to configure, see
Server parameters
- Set the Port to 8199. The Host name must be the
name of the K8s service that is created for the CSS deployment to be used with the text search
server instance.
- Add the authentication token. This encryption key is used to encrypt the password during text
index backup and restore operations.
Communication security
- Check Enable use of the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol.
- Clear Validate the SSL server certificate and Validate the
SSL certificate host.
Server association
- Set the Affinity Group value to the same affinity group that is set for
your existing on-premises CSS server.
- Save the server settings.
- Repeat the preceding steps for all the newly deployed Content Search