To-do tasks

You can use Case tasks list view to work on to-do tasks that are part of a case instance.

A To-do task represents a simple activity that does not have workflow steps. To-do tasks provide a checklist of tasks that you must do for a case type. For example, if the solution that you are designing is for automobile claims and one of the case types is for automobile accidents, you can create a To-do task to enter the completion of making contact by telephone with a claimant.

You can create two types of To-do activities:
  1. Automatic activity: You can create only one automatic To-do activity for a case instance. The activity is listed in the task list.
  2. Discretionary activity: You can create any number of discretionary To-do activities for a case instance. In the discretionary activity, click Add To-do, select an activity, and click OK to create to-do activity.

You can take the following actions on To-do tasks:

  • Filter the To-do tasks to view the To-do tasks only in the task list.
  • Expand To-do task to view the associated task properties.
  • Save and complete a To-do task.
  • Select multiple To-do tasks, and complete them.