Creating custom solution layouts

IBM® Business Automation Workflow includes a set of layouts that you can use in your solution. You can customize the layouts to meet the requirements of your solution. You can use the custom layouts as templates to create extra pages to provide customized views for different roles, case types, and activities.

Solution layouts or pages provide case workers with access to cases that are in a solution. See Solution layouts.


To create a solution layout:

  1. Open the solution in Case Builder.
  2. On the Layouts tab, create a solution layout by going to the Solution Layouts tab. For more information, see Creating a solution layout.
  3. After you create a new solution layout or a classic solution page, go back to Case Builder and assign the layout or page to a role. For more information, see Assigning solution layouts to roles.
  4. Optional: Go back to the Layouts tab and edit your solution layouts.

Creating the solution layout that uses human services

Create a new solution layout by using human services.


  1. Click Add Layout.
  2. Enter the information for the solution layout, such as the layout name, unique identifier, description.
  3. Select the adapter page type.
  4. Select either a blank or cases template for your solution layout.
    • Blank templates create a blank client-side human service page.
    • Cases templates are copies of default cases list client side human service page.
  5. Click OK, and then save your layout.
    After you save your new layout, you can perform the following actions:
    • Open the solution layout in Process Designer.
    • Copy and create a new layout.
    • Edit the layout and update the name, description, and adapter page selection.
    • Delete the layout.

Assigning solution layouts to roles


  1. Go back to Case Builder and open the Role tab.
    The cursor opens on the Roles tab, then opens the Project Team role to edit. In the Solution Layouts tab, the cursor clicks the Assign Layout button and selects the MyCases solution, which then appears in the list of solution layouts and pages.
  2. On the Roles tab, open the role.
  3. On the Solution Layouts tab for the role, click Assign Layout.
    Note: A default case list client side human service (Default_CASE_SLN_LAYOUT) is provisioned, which can be used for searching and listing cases based on new design of client side human services.
    The solution layouts you select can be added as landing tab pages for the case client. The names of the layouts and pages are the names of the tabs, and you can rearrange the order of the tabs.