Passing files
and format binary
- Input parameters:
- Type file
- Invoking a REST service with an input parameter of type file
- Type string and format binary
- Invoking a REST service with an input parameter of type string and format binary
- Output parameters:
- Type file
- Invoking a REST service that returns a file as response
- Type string and format binary
- Invoking a REST service that returns a response of type string and format binary
not supported.Invoking a REST service with an input parameter of type file
If the OpenAPI specification (formerly known as Swagger) for a REST service specifies
an input parameter of type file
, it is mapped to the document type
. This means that your process or service flow uses a reference to
a document in the BPM document store and the ECMDocumentInfo
input object refers to that file.
The following example illustrates how to provide a reference to a document in the BPM document store.
// Prepare REST request
var request = new BPMRESTRequest();
// Specify the external service and its operation to be invoked
request.externalServiceName = "MyExternalService";
request.operationName = "addContract";
// Set the http headers
var headers = {"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data"};
request.httpHeaders = headers;
// Provide a reference to the document that is to be used as input parameter of the REST service
var contractFile = new tw.object.ECMDocumentInfo();
contractFile.objectId = "idd_808F0A58-0000-C214-BE0C-E24DEF2EA51E";
// Prepare all parameters that are needed for the REST request
request.parameters = {"file": contractFile};
// Execute the REST request, which returns a BPMRESTResponse instance.
var response = tw.system.invokeREST(request);
// have a look at the response
For more information about the
, BPMRESTRequest
objects, see the reference topic in JavaScript API.
Invoking a REST service with an input parameter of type string and format binary
If the OpenAPI specification (formerly known as Swagger) for
a REST service specifies an input parameter of type string
and format
, it is mapped to the document type IBM_BPM_Document
. This
means that your process or service flow uses a reference to a document in the BPM document store and the
input object refers to that file.
The following example illustrates how to provide a reference to a document in the BPM document store.
// Prepare REST request
var request = new BPMRESTRequest();
// Specify the external service and its operation to be invoked
request.externalServiceName = "MyExternalService";
request.operationName = "addContract";
// Provide a reference to the document that is to be used as input parameter of the REST service
var contractFile = new tw.object.ECMDocumentInfo();
contractFile.objectId = "idd_808F0A58-0000-C214-BE0C-E24DEF2EA51E";
// Prepare all parameters that are needed for the REST request
request.parameters = {"file": contractFile};
// Execute the REST request, which returns a BPMRESTResponse instance.
var response = tw.system.invokeREST(request);
// have a look at the response
For more information about the
, BPMRESTRequest
objects, see the reference topic in JavaScript API.
Invoking a REST service that returns a file as response
If the OpenAPI specification for a REST service specifies a response of type
file, the file is stored as a document of type IBM_BPM_Document
in the BPM document store. A reference to the
document is returned to your service flow in an object of business object type
The following example illustrates how to receive a file as response from a REST service invocation.
// Prepare REST request
var request = new BPMRESTRequest();
// Specify the external service and its operation to be invoked
request.externalServiceName = "MyExternalService";
request.operationName = "getContract";
// Set the accept header
var headers = {"Accept": "application/pdf"};
request.httpHeaders = headers;
// Prepare the parameters that are needed for the REST request
request.parameters = {"contractId": "1234567890"};
// Execute REST request which returns a BPMRESTResponse instance.
var response = tw.system.invokeREST(request);
// Have a look at the response"Response - httpStatusCode: " + response.httpStatusCode);"Response - httpStatusMessage: " + response.httpStatusMessage);"Response - httpHeaders: " + response.httpHeaders);"Response - content: " + response.content);
// The response file is stored as a document in the BPM document store.
// An instance of ECMDocumentInfo is returned that contains the details.
var documentInfo = JSON.parse(response.content);"Response - documentInfo.objectId: " + documentInfo.objectId);
For more
information about the ECMDocumentInfo
, BPMRESTRequest
objects, see the reference topic in JavaScript API.Invoking a REST service that returns a response of type string and format binary
If the OpenAPI specification for a REST service specifies a
response of type string
and format binary
, the response is stored
as a document of type IBM_BPM_Document
in the BPM document store. A reference to the
document is returned to your service flow in an object of business object type
, BPMRESTRequest
objects, see the reference topic in JavaScript API.