Okta and Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory or Azure AD) are cloud-based identity management services
that support the System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) standard. They are used by
organizations to manage employee access with well-defined groups of users that have the necessary
authorization to access protected applications.
Before you begin
Your CP4BA deployment that you plan to use with Okta or Microsoft Entra ID must provide the Platform UI
(Zen) route and Identity Management (IM) route (cp-console
) with a valid trust
certificate. The cp-console
route must be accessible and trusted by the SCIM
service (Okta or Microsoft Entra ID). For more information, see Customizing the
Cloud Pak Identity Management (IM) service.
You must have a valid active Okta account and an Okta Org before you can configure
your CP4BA deployment to use Okta. You can create an Okta developer Org by signing up on the Okta Dev portal.
Integration of the cloud-based services with Cloud Pak for Business Automation cannot be
automated, so the configuration with the Identity Management (IM) service must be done before you
install your CP4BA deployment.
Restriction: You cannot use the no cost (free) version of Microsoft Entra ID because
it does not support Microsoft Entra ID groups.
About this task
Use the following steps to integrate Okta or Azure AD with your CP4BA production deployment.
- Create a target namespace for your CP4BA deployment, apply the CP4BA catalog
sources, and install the CP4BA operators.
- Create the Cloud Pak foundational services resources that are needed to
configure IM with Okta or Microsoft Entra ID.
- Create a YAML file (cs.yaml) with the following lines, and
replace the values between
and >>
with the values that
you used to set up your cluster in Step 1.
The instances where <<namespace>>
appear in the following example refer to
the dedicated-namespace or separate namespaces if you chose to install with Separation of
Duties. When you are configuring a deployment that has separate namespaces for the CP4BA
operators and the CP4BA deployments:
The operatorNamespace
is where the operators are installed. The namespace must
be different from the servicesNamespace
The servicesNamespace
is where the Operands (pods) are installed. The namespace
must be different from the operatorNamespace
Use oc get sc
to identify the storage classes on your cluster. The
classes, like ibmc-block-retain-gold
, are good choices.
apiVersion: operator.ibm.com/v3
kind: CommonService
namespace: <<namespace>>
name: common-service
accept: true
operatorNamespace: <<namespace>>
servicesNamespace: <<namespace>>
size: starterset
storageClass: <<block storage class in CP4BA cr>>
apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Issuer
name: iaf-system-automationui-aui-zen-ss-issuer # fixed name
namespace: <<namespace>>
selfSigned: {}
apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Certificate
name: iaf-system-automationui-aui-zen-ca # fixed name
namespace: <<namespace>>
commonName: IBM Automation Foundation CA
duration: 2160h0m0s
isCA: true
kind: Issuer
name: iaf-system-automationui-aui-zen-ss-issuer
renewBefore: 720h0m0s
secretName: iaf-system-automationui-aui-zen-ca # fixed value
- cert sign
- signing
apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Issuer
name: iaf-system-automationui-aui-zen-issuer # fixed name
namespace: <<namespace>>
secretName: iaf-system-automationui-aui-zen-ca
apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Certificate
name: iaf-system-automationui-aui-zen-cert # fixed name
namespace: <<namespace>>
commonName: cpd
- cpd
- cpd.{{ meta.namespace }}
- cpd.{{ meta.namespace }}.svc
- <<sc_zen.zen_custom_route.route_host in cp4ba cr (default value is 'cpd-'+namespace+'.'+cluster_hostname_suffix)>>
duration: 2160h0m0s
kind: Issuer
name: iaf-system-automationui-aui-zen-issuer
renewBefore: 720h0m0s
secretName: iaf-system-automationui-aui-zen-cert # fixed value
- key encipherment
- server auth
- digital signature
- Apply the resources by running the following command.
Note: In the case that your deployment has Separation of Duties, then the Common
Service CR must be created in the namespace of the operatorNamespace
- Make sure that the
secret is on
the cluster by running the following command.
oc get secret iaf-system-automationui-aui-zen-cert -o yaml
- Use the output of the previous command in two YAML files
(OperandRequest.yaml) and (ZenService.yaml), and replace
the values between
and >>
with the values that you used
to set up your cluster.
OperandRequest.yaml file
kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
name: external-tls-secret # fixed name
namespace: <<namespace>>
ca.crt: <<ca.crt in secret iaf-system-automationui-aui-zen-cert>>
cert.crt: <<tls.crt in secret iaf-system-automationui-aui-zen-cert>>
cert.key: <<tls.key in secret iaf-system-automationui-aui-zen-cert>>
type: Opaque
apiVersion: operator.ibm.com/v1alpha1
kind: OperandRequest
namespace: <<namespace>>
name: iaf-system-common-service
- operands:
- name: ibm-platformui-operator
- name: ibm-im-operator
registry: common-service
registryNamespace: "ibm-common-services" # fixed value
ZenService.yaml file
apiVersion: zen.cpd.ibm.com/v1
kind: ZenService
namespace: <<namespace>>
name: iaf-zen-cpdservice
iamIntegration: true
scaleConfig: starterset
route_host: <<sc_zen.zen_custom_route.route_host in cp4ba cr (default value is 'cpd-'+namespace+'.'+cluster_hostname_suffix)>>
route_reencrypt: true
route_secret: iaf-system-automationui-aui-zen-cert
fileStorageClass: <<faster storage class in CP4BA cr>>
blockStorageClass: <<block storage class in CP4BA cr>>
Tip: Use oc get sc
to identify the storage classes on your
- Apply the changes by running the following commands.
oc apply -f OperandRequest.yaml
Wait a few minutes before you apply the Zen service.
oc apply -f ZenService.yaml
Note: It can take 30 minutes or more for the Zen and IM services to be ready. To check that the Zen
service is ready, run the following command.
oc get ZenService
Continue to
Step 3 only when the output shows
that Zen is ready.
iaf-zen-cpdservice True
- Complete the configuration of Okta or Microsoft Entra ID with the IM service.
- Follow the instructions on how to integrate IM with Okta or Microsoft Entra ID.
- For integration with Okta
- Use the Cloud Pak foundational services
documentation here to complete the configuration with IM.
- For integration with Microsoft Entra ID
- Use the Cloud Pak foundational services
documentation here to complete the configuration with IM.
Tip: When you register the identity provider (IdP) in IM, use the IdP V3 API to pass the
key values in a Curl command instead of parameters in a shell command. Save the value of the
for a later step. In this example, the value is
curl --location --request POST 'https://cpconsoleroute/idprovider/v3/auth/idsource' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer $accessToken' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
"name": "AzureSAML",
"description": "AzureSAML",
"protocol": "saml",
"type": "azuread",
"token_attribute_mappings": {
"sub": "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/name",
"given_name": "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/givenname",
"family_name": "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/surname",
"groups": "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/groups",
"email": "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress"
"first_name": "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/givenname",
"last_name": "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/surname"
"idp_metadata": "Base64-encoded-metadata"
"jit": false,
"redirect_url": ["azure_redirect_url"],
"scim_attribute_mappings": {
"principalName": "userName",
"givenName": "givenName",
"familyName": "familyName"
"displayName": "displayName",
"value": "emails",
"type": "home"
"id": "id",
"userName": "userName"
"principalName": "displayName",
"id": "displayName"
"displayName": "displayName"
- Make sure that Okta or Microsoft Entra ID users can login to the Zen (CPD) route.
- Get the Zen (CPD) route by running the following
oc get route | grep cpd
- Open a browser by using the Zen route in the output of the previous command.
- Login with an Okta or Microsoft Entra ID user and make sure that the login is successful.
- Prepare for your CP4BA deployment.
Use the steps in Preparing your chosen capabilities.
Tip: Before you create a CP4BA deployment that integrates with Okta or Microsoft Entra ID, it is
important to have the needed secrets and files in your cluster. The provided
cp4a-prerequisites.sh script helps you to create all the necessary property
files. To use Okta or Microsoft Entra ID, leave the values for the LDAP property files empty. Make sure that
you enter valid information from your Okta or Azure AD for the credentials and initialization values
in the cp4ba_user_profile.property file.
- Generate the custom resource (CR) for your CP4BA deployment.
- Configure the CR to integrate Okta or Microsoft Entra ID.
Open the CR file to make the following changes:
- If the
section is present, then remove it.
- Set the shared_configuration.sc_skip_ldap_config parameter to
- Set the ecm_configuration.disable_basic_auth parameter to
- Set the navigator_configuration.disable_basic_auth parameter to
- Set the sc_content_initialization parameter to
also define the initialize_configuration section in the CR for the operator to
use the parameters.
- Add YAML to configure IM with Okta or Microsoft Entra ID.
To configure Microsoft Entra ID, add the following YAML
at the same level as the shared_configuration
- idp_id: <this name must match with the Idp provider name in IM>
idp_type: azuread
idp_allow_email_or_upn_short_names: true (Optional - default value is true)
is the name that matches the identity provider (IdP) name in IM. An example
from a previous step is AzureSAML
To configure Okta, add the
following YAML at the same level as the shared_configuration
- idp_id: <this name must match with the Idp provider name in IM>
idp_type: okta
idp_allow_email_or_upn_short_names: true (Optional - default value is true)
For more information about editing the CR, see Checking and completing your custom resource.
- Apply your CP4BA custom resource.
- Add new users for Zen from the IM service.
You can also create groups of users in Zen from the IM service.

- Login to the Zen UI with the new users.
Members of a group can also login to the Zen UI.