Laying out a page or view using the grid layout

You can layout a page or view by using cells in a grid.

About this task

The grid layout is where you can arrange content using grids, containers, and cells.

A grid is a container that is 12 units wide. The actual width of each unit is variable and depends on the screen size. Within a grid, you can have containers and cells. A container groups related cells. Cells are placeholders for content. Containers and cells can be from 1 to 12 units wide. If the container does not have at least one cell, the designer removes it.

In the following image, the grid is the outermost line. The grid contains a single cell and a container with two additional cells. When you hover over a grid cell or container, insertion points are displayed on each side of it. You can use the insertion points to add another cell or container to the grid.
The line for the grid surrounds everything. A single cell is to the left and a container with two cells in it on the right. Insertion points on each side of a cell or container allow you to add one more cell or grid.

If the total width of the cells in a grid is 12, the grid forms a complete row. When you edit a cell in a complete row, the designer tries to preserve the complete row by automatically resizing other cells. That is, if you delete a cell, another cell expands to occupy the space. Similarly, if you add a cell to the left or right of another cell, a cell shrinks to fit the new cell. However, there is a minimum size of 3 for new or automatically resizing cells. In this case, the designer moves the end cell to form a new row. When you are editing a grid that has less or more than 12 units, the designer does not automatically resize cells. The limit of 12 units applies regardless of the number of containers within a grid.

A grid does not have a vertical limit. However, having too many vertically stacked cells results in a user interface that requires users to do a lot of scrolling.

Under Properties > General, you can set the grid layout properties that are described in the following table.

Table 1. Grid layout properties
Property Description
Horizontal span Specifies the number of horizontal units that a selected grid cell or container occupies in a grid. A grid is a maximum of 12 horizontal units wide. You can specify a number from 1 to 12. If you increase or decrease the horizontal span, the width of the selected grid cell or container will increase or decrease on the right side of its current position.
Visibility Specifies whether a grid cell or container is displayed or hidden in a grid. This property has the following options:
  • Show: Displays a selected grid cell or container.
  • Hide: Hides a selected grid cell or container, but lists it in the Invisible Items Invisible items pop-up window. You can display a hidden grid cell or container again by selecting it in the pop-up list and setting visibility back to Show.
Orientation Specifies whether the layout items in a selected grid cell are laid out horizontally or vertically. This property has the following options:
  • Horizontal: Arranges the layout items beside each other in a horizontal line.
  • Vertical: Arranges the layout items on top of each other in a vertical stack.
Horizontal alignment Controls the horizontal alignment of layout items in a selected grid cell. This property has the following options:
  • Left: Aligns the layout items at the left of the horizontal space.
  • Center: Aligns the layout items at the center of the horizontal space.
  • Right: Aligns the layout items at the right of the horizontal space.
Note: Horizontal alignment is not available for layout items in a selected grid cell unless the orientation is horizontal.
Vertical alignment Controls the vertical alignment of content in a selected container or grid cell, such as the grid cells in a container or the layout items in a grid cell. This property has the following options:
  • Top: Aligns the content at the top of the vertical space.
  • Middle: Aligns the content at the middle of the vertical space.
  • Bottom: Aligns the content at the bottom of the vertical space.
Note: Vertical alignment is not available for layout items in a selected grid cell unless the orientation is horizontal.
Control ID Specifies an alphanumeric identifier that uniquely identifies a selected layout item. This ID can be used to locate items in JavaScript and advanced preview artifacts.

To lay out a page or view using the grid layout, use the following instructions.


  1. Use the toolbar slider to select Grid.
  2. Use the insertion points of the default grid pattern to add more cells or containers to the canvas.
    • Add a grid above or below existing grids.
    • Add a cell to a grid or container. If there are more than 12 units of cells in the grid, the new cell wraps to the next line.
    • Delete a cell from a grid. If the grid is a complete row, the cell or container to the right expands to occupy the space of the deleted cell. The content of the deleted cell is removed.
    • Change the vertical alignment of the grid cells in a selected container.
    • Change the orientation of a grid cell.
    • If the orientation of a grid cell is horizontal, change the alignment of the layout items in a selected grid cell:
      • Horizontal alignment
      • Vertical alignment
    • Resize a cell or container by dragging its right border. The cell or container to the right correspondingly expands or contracts. However, the minimum that it will automatically contract is 3 units. If the cell or container reaches this minimum, it flows instead to the next row.
    • Hide a cell or container by changing its Visibility property. The layout no longer displays it, but the Invisible Items Invisible items pop-up lists it as an invisible item that you can select.
    • Delete a grid or container. The content of the deleted grid or container, including cells and cell content, is removed.
  3. Click Save or Finish Editing.


You can flip between the content and the grid layout to put content into the cells and adjust the cells accordingly.