Working with document content

To work with the content of documents, you can use the ECMContentStream data type to wrap a content stream and return information about the stream. A content stream is a stream of data that contains the content of a document, such as a word processing document or an image.
The ECMContentStream data type is used in the following four Enterprise Content Management (ECM) operations:
  • Check in document
  • Create document
  • Get document content
  • Set document content

Information about these operations is found in the topic Data mapping in Enterprise Content Management operations.

The properties for the ECMContentStream data type are described in the following table:

Table 1. ECMContentStream properties
Property name Description
contentLength The length of the original (non-encoded) content length in bytes. If the property is set, the length must be a positive number. If the length is unknown, the property must not be set.
mimeType The MIME media type of the content stream. For the primary content of a document, the MIME media type should match the value of the property cmis:contentStreamMimeType. For example, application/pdf.
fileName The file name of the content stream. For the primary content of a document, the file name should match the value of the property cmis:contentStreamFileName.
content The value of the document. It must be of type String Base64 and encoded in UTF-8.

The samples would work only on traditional IBM Business Automation Workflow systems and not on containerized Workflow systems. See the deprecated feature link:

The following example code fragment can be used in a script step to set a string value in an ECMContentStream object:
// Script sample code to set and encode the document content
var value = "abc";
var bytesValue = new"UTF-8");
tw.local.contentStream = new tw.object.ECMContentStream();
tw.local.contentStream.contentLength = bytesValue.length;
tw.local.contentStream.mimeType = "text/plain";
tw.local.contentStream.content = Packages.javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(bytesValue);
The following example code fragment can be used in a script step to get a string value from an ECMContentStream object:
// Script sample code to get and decode the document content
var bytesValue = Packages.javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(tw.local.contentStream.content);
var value = new, "UTF-8");
The following example code fragments can be used in a script step to write the content of a file to an ECMContentStream object:
// Script sample code to set and encode the document content from a file
var file = new;
var bytesValue =;

tw.local.contentStream = new tw.object.ECMContentStream();
tw.local.contentStream.contentLength = file.length();
tw.local.contentStream.fileName = file.getName();
tw.local.contentStream.mimeType = "text/plain"; // provide your designated mime type here
tw.local.contentStream.content = Packages.javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(bytesValue);
The following example code fragments can be used in a script step to write the content from an ECMContentStream object to a file:
// Script sample code to decode the document content and write it to a file
var bytesValue = Packages.javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(tw.local.contentStream.content);
var file = new, tw.local.contentStream.fileName);, bytesValue);