Building a query for an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) search operation

A graphical interface helps you build a query to an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) server.

Before you begin

To create or edit a query using the Content Filters, you must be in the desktop Process Designer.

About this task

Follow these steps to add a query that can be used in a search operation.


  1. Open an Integration Service, Ajax Service or Heritage Human Service.
  2. From the palette, drag a Content Integration task to the canvas and provide a meaningful name for it.
  3. Click Implementation in the Properties view. Select a server and select Search as the operation name.
  4. Click the Content Filters tab.
    Note: The Content Filters tab is not available in the Heritage Human Service Editor in the Process Designer. You can view the query in the Data Mapping tab. To change the query, you can either edit it in the desktop Process Designer, or change the method of search to Data Mapping. You can then edit the query in the Data Mapping tab and make future changes using the Process Designer. To switch to Data Mapping, click the information icon This is the information icon. beside the input field and in the pop-up click Switch from Content Filters to Data Mapping.
  5. In the left column, select the search node you want to create your query for, if you created more than one search step.
  6. Beneath Build Search Filters complete the fields appropriate to your query.
    • In the Method of creating search field, select one of the following:
      • Content Filters: (Default) Select if you want to use the fields on this Content Filters page to define your search.
      • Data Mapping: Select if you are experienced in writing Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) queries and want to write your own hand-coded query (see the query section of the CMIS specification for information on the syntax).

        Selection will disable the fields in the Content Filters page and make the CMIS query Input Mapping field editable on the Data Mapping tab.

    • Under Object Type, select the type of object for the search. These types are also discussed in the input and output fields described in Data mapping in Enterprise Content Management operations.
      • Document: A type of document. For example, the server could have an email type of document for storing critical information sent by email. Click Select and choose the document type from those available on the server. Examine your application to decide what document type to select. For example, an application about insurance claims might select insurance forms.
      • Folder: A type of folder that contains documents. For example, the server could have a security type of folder for containing documents related to security. Click Select and choose the folder type from those available on the server.
    • Under Properties, click Add to see a list of properties for the type you selected previously. Select additional properties based on your application. Using the application about insurance claims mentioned previously, you might want to add the property of when the insurance claim was made. As you select a property, it appears as a column in the pane beneath Properties along with sample data from the selected Enterprise Content Management server. Columns are added from left to right.

      The layout of the result set, the sorting of items in columns, and the priority of which column is sorted first, second, third and so on is described in the following table.

      Table 1. Layout and sorting sequence of the result set
      Layout and items sorted How to change the order
      Layout of columns from left to right. Select a column and use the arrows at the bottom of the pane to move the column to the left or right. Use the Add or Remove buttons to add or remove property columns. Alternately, for removal, select the triangle at the top of the column and from the menu select Remove property.
      Ascending or descending order of items in each column. Click the number at the top of a column. Depending on the direction of the triangle, the items will be arranged in an ascending or descending order. If the column does not have a number at the top, click the triangle and select Add sort order.
      Sorting priority of the result set; that is, which column is sorted first, second, third and so on. Click the triangle at the top of a column and select Change sort order. The columns with a number open in a dialog box. Select the arrows at the side of the pane to move a selection up or down in the priority list. Click X to remove a column from the sorting priority.

      The sorting priority of the result set can alternately be done by selecting Result set order specified by process variable and mapping to a variable containing the sorting priority. The content of this variable is a CMIS query following the standard CMIS syntax (see the link to the CMIS standard page in the Data Mapping description). This option is helpful for having the sorting priority set at run time. You may also use JavaScript.

    • Under Search Criteria, you can specify constraints for specific properties by selecting Add Search Criterion. For example, you might want to only search for objects whose Current State is equal to Working.

      Match criteria lets you select all or any as a match criteria. All returns items matching all the criteria specified in the filter. Any returns items matching any single field in the filter. The match criteria does not affect the search result columns shown in the Properties table though it will affect the rows.

  7. Save your work. File > Save All.

What to do next

Using Document List and Document Viewer views, you can turn your search into a list of documents that a user can browse, select and view.

If the Search operation is used with a Document List view, the ID column is not shown in the Document List. However, the ID column should not be removed from the query. The IDs provide the links to each document in the content repository. An ID is required to perform any actions on the document, including showing the document in a Document Viewer.