If you need to use Content Collector for SAP Applications libraries for the optional
component of the Content pattern, then you must package these files into a compressed file and use
the sc_drivers_url configuration parameter to download them from an accessible
web server.
Download the SAP Netweaver SDK 7.50 library from the SAP Service Marketplace using the
following link, SAP NW RFC SDK 7.50. Ensure that the library includes the
following files: libicudata.so.50, libicudecnumber.so, libicui18n.so.50, libicuuc.so.50,
libsapnwrfc.so, and libsapucum.so.
Note that you need an SAP Support user (S-user) ID to access the SAP Service Marketplace.
Download the SAP Cryptographic Library version 8 from the SAP Service Marketplace using the
following link, COMMONCRYPTOLIB 8. Ensure that the library includes the
following file: libsapcrypto.so
Note that you need an SAP Support user (S-user) ID to access the SAP Service Marketplace.
Download the SAP Java Connector Release 3.1 from the SAP Service Marketplace using the
following link, SAP JCO 3.1. Ensure that the library includes the following
file: sapjco3.
Note that you need an SAP Support user (S-user) ID to access the SAP Service Marketplace.
- Extract all of the content of the packages to a saplibs directory
and give read and write permissions to the directory by running the chmod command.
- Compress them into a file (.zip, .tar, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .tar.xz) by running the
following command.
zip -r $localpath_to_zip/saplibs.zip saplibs
The command generates the path and file name:
- Use the HTTPd docker image to start a container with the name
docker run -dit --name http -p 8888:80 httpd
- Open the container by using the URL http://hostname:8888.
The hostname is where you run the HTTPd docker image. It displays the following
"it works!"
- Copy the compressed file to the docker container by running the following command.
docker cp $localpath_to_zip/saplibs.zip http:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs
- The operator downloads the compressed file when you set the value of the
sc_drivers_url parameter in the custom resource (CR) to the URL of the file in
the HTTPd container: http://hostname:8888/saplibs.zip. The hostname is where
you run the HTTPd docker image.
You set the values of the CR when you create an instance of the starter deployment.
sc_drivers_url: http://hostname:8888/saplibs.zip
What to do next
Choose between installing in the OpenShift console or by using the command line interface (CLI).
Use one of the following links.