FileNet PE userTask summary formats

FileNet® userTask summary events are JSON objects that result from the aggregation of workitem time series.

Table 1. FileNet userTask summary attributes
Attribute Description Optional or required Type
category The category of the event Required The icm string constant
case-instance-id The identifier of the case instance to which the case activity belongs Required String
case-instance-name The name of the case instance to which the case activity belongs Required String
task-type The type of the case activity Required String
task-id The identifier of the case activity Required String
processInstanceId The identifier of the workflow. Workflow-id is taken here as the processInstanceId value. Required String
type The type of the workflow summary. Converted to a process summary for consistency with Business Automation Workflow terms. Required The userTask string constant
hasReassigned Indicates whether a useTask is reassigned. Required Boolean
numberOfReassignments Indicates the number of times the userTask is reassigned. Required Number
state The state of the case activity, based on the latest aggregated event Required A string constant. Possible values: Active, Completed
case-type-name The name of the case type to which the case activity belongs Required String
case-type-display-name The display name of the case type to which the case activity belongs Required String
solution-name The name of the solution to which the case activity belongs Required String
performerName The name of the user who performs the operation. Required String
id The identifier of the workitem Required String
name The name of the current step of the work item. Required String
potentialPerformerName The queue name of the workitem. Converted to a process summary for consistency with Business Automation Workflow terms. Required String
timestamp The timestamp of the last aggregated event to produce this summary Required A string that contains an ISO8601 date
duration The time spent by the workflow. Required Number
processApplicationName The name of the workflow. Converted to a process summary for consistency with Business Automation Workflow terms. Required String
startTime The time at which the workflow started. Required A string that contains an ISO8601 date
completedTime The time at which the workflow completed. Required A string that contains an ISO8601 date
version The version number of the case activity summary Required String
data The business data Optional. Present if case properties are audited. JSON object

Example of a FileNet userTask summary

  "category": "icm",
  "case-instance-id": "{E08C9875-0000-C319-A227-08B35BA1E527}",
  "case-instance-name": "000005230002",
  "task-type": "CCDM_ATaskFX_New1",
  "task-id": "{3EF3C000-972D-49AB-860D-CD830E98FFEC}",
  "processInstanceId": "1758194B57BA644AB6A819969D4225A0",
  "type": "userTask",
  "state": "Completed",
  "case-type-name": "CCDM_CaseST",
  "case-type-display-name": "CaseST",
  "solution-name": "Credit Card Dispute Management",
  "timestamp": "2020-11-05T13:16:28.000Z",
  "performerName": "deadmin",
  "potentialPerformerName": "CCDM_RoleST2",
  "processApplicationName": "CCDM_ATaskFX_New1",
  "id": "1758194B57BA644AB6A819969D4225A0",
  "name": "TP_Review",
  "version": "1.0.2",
  "startTime": "2020-11-05T13:16:25Z",
  "completedTime": "2020-11-05T13:16:28Z",
  "duration": 3