Case time series formats

Case time series for case events are timeSeries JSON objects with attributes, as described in the table and shown in the example.

The Case event emitter also processes stage events.

Table 1. Attributes for case time series
Attribute Description Optional or required Type
type The type of the event Required The "case" string constant
state The state of the case event Required A string constant.

Possible values: New, Initializing, Working, Complete, Failed. For a detailed list, see Case raw event formats.

data The business data. Present only if case properties are audited. Optional JSON object
case-health The current case health. Applies only if case health is enabled. Optional String

Possible values: Good Health, Warning, Poor Health, No Health.

case-stage The name of the current stage of the case Optional String

Example of a case time series

    "id": "{C0EC7B67-0000-CC69-B5F2-9914D8504DFE}",
    "offset": 34308,
    "partition": 0,
    "timestamp": "2018-12-05T01:12:55.673Z",
    "icm-system-id": "{8D0692D0-4E55-46B2-ABAE-307C88A97089}",
    "content-engine-server": "localhost",
    "emitter-logical-unique-id": "icpTest",
    "object-store-display-name": "tos",
    "object-store-symbolic-name": "tos",
    "object-store-id": "{8D0692D0-4E55-46B2-ABAE-307C88A97089}",
    "p8-domain-name": "myP8Domain",
    "p8-domain-id": "{99370115-636B-4267-B2CE-96471CB4B141}",
    "type": "case",
    "case-instance-id": "{C0EC7B67-0000-C71D-A22D-D318796545D5}",
    "case-instance-name": "000000550010",
    "state": "Initializing",
    "audit-sequence": 18770,
    "case-folder-id": "{C0EC7B67-0000-C71D-A22D-D318796545D5}",
    "source-class-id": "{030F12CA-9DD6-4639-9A02-5897A3D4B2EC}",
    "source-class-display-name": "CaseST",
    "case-type-name": "CCDM_CaseST",
    "case-type-display-name": "CaseST",
    "solution-name": "Credit Card Dispute Management",
    "version": "1.0.1",
    "category": "icm",
    "user": "deadmin",
    "data": {
        "CCDM_AssigneeName": "IBM",
        "CCDM_TransactionID": "00001"
    "trace-id": "c0ec7b67-0000-c71d-a22d-d318796545d5",
    "span-id": "2e4452b9f2a7c460"