BPMN event types

IBM® Business Automation Insights supports events to monitor the lifecycles of processes and activities, looped activities, tasks, gateways, timers, messages, and tracking groups.

Events to monitor process lifecycles

Table 1. Process lifecycle events
Event type Description
bpmnx:PROCESS_STARTED The BPMN process has started.
bpmnx:PROCESS_COMPLETED The BPMN process is completed.
bpmnx:PROCESS_TERMINATED The BPMN process is terminated.
bpmnx:PROCESS_DELETED The BPMN process is deleted.
bpmnx:PROCESS_SUSPENDED The BPMN process is suspended (it can be resumed).
bpmnx:PROCESS_RESUMED The BPMN process is resumed.
bpmnx:PROCESS_FAILED The BPMN process has failed (it cannot be resumed).
wle:PROCESS_AT_RISK_DATE_ASSIGNED The BPMN process is being assigned an at-risk date.
wle:PROCESS_MIGRATED The BPMN process instance is migrated.
wle:PROCESS_DUE_DATE_ASSIGNED The BPMN process is assigned a new due date.

Events to monitor activity lifecycles

Table 2. Activity lifecycle events
Event type Description
bpmnx:ACTIVITY_READY An instance of an activity is in the ready state. An activity enters the ready state when a token has arrived.
bpmnx:ACTIVITY_ACTIVE An instance of an activity is in the active state when the required input and resources are available, and work has started.
bpmnx:ACTIVITY_COMPLETED An instance of an activity is in the completed state.
bpmnx:ACTIVITY_FAILED An instance of an activity is in the failed state.
bpmnx:ACTIVITY_TERMINATED An instance of an activity is in the terminated state.
bpmnx:ACTIVITY_RESOURCE_ ASSIGNED A resource, such as a user, group, or organization, is associated with a task instance in a specific role. For example, the performer role designates the resource that is currently assigned to work on the task.

Events to monitor looped activities

Table 3. Looped activity events
Event type Description
bpmnx:ACTIVITY_LOOP_CONDITION_TRUE (simple loop) This event indicates that a loop condition evaluated to true. This means that the loop is not finished yet and another iteration will occur. The event is issued at each iteration of a loop if the loop condition is true.
bpmnx:ACTIVITY_LOOP_CONDITION_FALSE (simple loop) This event indicates that a loop condition evaluated to false. This means that the loop is finished and will be exited. The event is issued after the last iteration of a loop, if the loop condition is false.
bpmnx:ACTIVITY_PARALLEL_INSTANCES_STARTED (Multi-instance parallel) This event is issued when multiple instances of an activity are created in parallel. The event reports the number of activity instances that have been created.
bpmnx:ACTIVITY_TERMINATED (Multi-instance parallel) A multi-instance, parallel activity can be configured to terminate all running instances when its flow condition evaluates to true. Each terminated instance emits a bpmnx:ACTIVITY_TERMINATED event.

Events to monitor tasks

Table 4. Task events
Event type Description
bpmnx:TASK_SUBJECT_CHANGED The subject of a task has changed.
bpmnx:TASK_FIELD_CHANGED The taskRecord field has changed.
bpmnx:TASK_STATUS_CHANGED The status of a task has changed.

Events to monitor tracking groups

Table 5. Tracking group events
Event type Description
bpmnx:EVENT_THROWN This event contains the tracking group data that is sent from an activity, an intermediate event point, or at the BPMN process termination. This event is sent only if the tracking group contains fields that are marked as tracked.
bpmnx:EVENT_TRACKING_THROWN This event contains the tracking group data that is sent by the PRE or POST tracking point of an activity. This event is sent only if the tracking group contains fields that are marked as tracked.

Event to monitor gateways

Table 6. Gateway monitoring events
Event type Description
bpmnx:GATEWAY_ACTIVATED This event is issued when a gateway is activated.
bpmnx:GATEWAY_COMPLETED This event is issued when a gateway is completed.

Events to monitor timers

Table 7. Timer monitoring events
Event type Description
bpmnx:EVENT_EXPECTED This event is issued when an event-timer start event is expected.
bpmnx:EVENT_CAUGHT This event is issued when an event-timer start event is caught.