BPEL summary event formats
Summary events for BPEL processes, activities, and human tasks are JSON objects that result from the aggregation of the corresponding time series.
- Process summaries result from the aggregation of process time series. BPEL process summaries convey information at the level of a process to identify the instance of the process, its state, and the business data.
- Activity summaries result from the aggregation of activity time series. BPEL activity summaries convey information at the level of an activity to identify the activity execution, the activity state, and the business data that is handled at activity level.
- Task summaries result from the aggregation of task time series. BPEL task summaries convey information at the level of a task to identify the task instance, its state, and the business data.
Defining a high number of fields in an OpenSearch index might lead to a so-called mappings explosion which might cause out-of-memory errors and difficult situations to recover from. The maximum number of fields in OpenSearch indices created by IBM Business Automation Insights is set to 1000. Field and object mappings, and field aliases, count towards this limit. Ensure that the various documents that are stored in OpenSearch indices do not lead to reaching this limit.
design, IBM Business Automation
Insights defines
73 field mappings in OpenSearch indexes that store BPEL summaries.
The overall number of fields in an index grows as the business data
of the process or task instance output grows. Each new piece of business
data adds one new field. However, if the business data is a string
and keyword
field data types),
two new fields are added. Ensure that the output from processes and
tasks does not contain too much business data, so that the limit of
1000 fields per index is not exceeded,
BPEL process format
Attribute | Description | Optional or required | Type |
version | The process summary version | Required | A string constant, in the V.R.M format |
type | The process summary type | Required | The string constant "bpel_process" |
id | The unique identifier of this process instance (raw: processInstanceId) | Required | String |
state | The state of the process, based on the latest aggregated event (raw: processInstanceExecutionState) | Required | String constant. Possible values: Active, Completed, Terminated, Failed, Suspended, Resumed, Migrated, Deleted (See the Note.) |
timestamp | The timestamp of the last aggregated event to produce this summary | Required | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in this
format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
span-id | The span identifier corresponding to the process | Required | String |
parent-span-id | The parent span identifier | Optional | String |
trace-id | The trace identifier | Required | String |
bpmCellName | The name of the IBM Business Automation Workflow emitter | Required | String |
bpmSystemIdentifier | The name of the IBM Business Automation Workflow system identifier | Required | String |
processTemplateId | The unique identifier of the process template | Required | String |
processTemplateName | The name of the process template | Required | String |
processTemplateValidFrom | The valid from time of the process template | Required | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
startTime | The time at which the process started (state: RUNNING) | Required | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
processInstanceName | The name of the process instance | Optional - Present if the process name is different from the instance ID | String |
processInstanceDescription | The description of the process instance | Optional - Present if the process has a description | String |
suspendedTime | The time at which the process was suspended (state: SUSPENDED) | Optional - Present if the process was suspended | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
resumedTime | The time at which the process resumed (state: RUNNING) | Optional - Present if the process was resumed | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
completedTime | The time at which the process completed (state: FINISHED) | Optional - Present if the process was completed | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
restartedTime | The time at which the process was restarted (state: RUNNING) | Optional - Present if the process was restarted | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
deletedTime | The time at which the process was deleted (state: DELETED) | Optional - Present if the process was deleted | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
failedTime | The time at which the process failed (state: FAILED) | Optional - Present if the process has failed | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
compenstatedTime | The time at which the process was compensated (state: COMPENSATED) | Optional - Present if the process was compensated | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
compenstatedFailedTime | The time at which the process compensation failed (state: COMPENSATION_FAILED) | Optional - Present if the process compensation failed | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
terminatedTime | The time at which the process was terminated (state: TERMINATED) | Optional - Present if the process was terminated | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
migratedTime | The time at which the last process was migrated | Optional - Present if the process has been migrated at least once | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
duration | The process duration, in milliseconds. | Optional - Present if the difference between the startTime value and either the completedTime or terminatedTime or failedTime value can be computed. | Number |
data | The process output data | Optional - Present if output data is available | JSON object |
Example of a BPEL process summary
"version": "1.0.0",
"timestamp": "2019-05-09T05:48:16.219Z",
"id": "_PI:9003016b.343b698.a2b78cf6.6ff40002",
"bpmCellName": "TAPALLINONECell01",
"bpmSystemId": "_PK:90230154.8567d7fb.20b78cf6.14030002",
"trace-id": "44550b79-164b-4c53-bfb2-2b188a7f71f0",
"span-id": "7458167704125c56",
"type": "BPEL_PROCESS",
"performerName": "admin",
"processInstanceName": "adf",
"processTemplateId": "_PT:9001016a.9aad3b2f.d7b78cf6.33b90016",
"processTemplateName": "StartProc1",
"processTemplateValidFrom": "Mon 2019-04-08 07:19:51.000",
"startTime": "2019-05-09T05:47:39.407Z",
"completedTime": "2019-05-09T05:48:16.219Z",
BPEL activity summary format
Attribute | Description | Optional or required | Type |
version | The activity summary version | Required | A string constant, in the V.R.M format |
type | The activity summary type | Required | A string constant |
id | processInstanceId.activityTemplateId | Required | String |
state | The state of the activity, based on the latest aggregated event | Required | String. Possible values:
Possible values for scope activities:
timestamp | The timestamp of the last aggregated event to produce this summary | Required | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
span-id | The span identifier corresponding to the activity | Required | String |
parent-span-id | The parent span identifier | Optional | String |
trace-id | The trace identifier | Required | String |
bpmCellName | The name of the IBM Business Automation Workflow cell that emits raw events | Required | String |
bpmSystemIdentifier | The name of the IBM Business Automation Workflow system identifier | Required | String |
activityKind | The kind of the activity | Required | String. Possible values:
processTemplateName | The name of the process template | Required | String |
processTemplateValidFrom | The valid from time of the process template | Required | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
processTemplateId | The unique identifier of the process template | Required | String |
processInstanceId | The unique identifier of the process instance | Required | String |
activityInstanceId | The unique identifier of the activity template | Required | String |
principal | The name of the user on whose behalf the action is being performed | Required | String |
activityTemplateName | The name of the activity template | Optional | String |
activityTemplateDescription | The description of the activity template | Optional - Present if the instance has a description | String |
startTime | The time at which the activity started (state: READY, RUNNING, WAITING) | Required | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
skippedTime | The time at which the activity was skipped (state: SKIPPED) | Optional - Present if the activity was skipped | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
expiredTime | The time at which the activity expired (state: EXPIRED) | Optional - Present if the activity expired | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
failedTime | The time at which the activity failed (state: FAILED) | Optional - Present if the activity failed | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
assignedTime | The time at which the activity was assigned (state: CLAIMED) | Optional - Present if the activity was assigned | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
stoppedTime | The time at which the activity was stopped (state: STOPPED) | Optional - Present if the activity was stopped | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
completedTime | The time at which the activity completed (state: FINISHED) | Optional - Present is the activity was completed. | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
terminatedTime | The time at which the activity was terminated (state: TERMINATED) | Optional - Present if the activity was terminated | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
duration | The activity duration in milliseconds. | Optional. Present if the difference between startTime and completedTime or terminatedTime or failedTime can be computed. | Number |
data | The activity output data | Optional - Present if output data is available | JSON object |
Example of an activity summary
"version": "1.0.0",
"timestamp": "2019-05-29T11:04:58.430Z",
"id": "_PI:9003016b.343b698.a2b78cf6.6ff40002._AT:9002016b.264d832.a2b78cf6.4daf0012",
"bpmCellName": "TAPALLINONECell01",
"bpmSystemId": "_PK:90230154.8567d7fb.20b78cf6.14030002",
"trace-id": "dbce2f59-60da-4a0f-9657-9ed4b3faa7cd",
"span-id": "319c16b516fb641b",
"type": "BPEL_ACTIVITY",
"principal": "admin",
"processInstanceId": "_PI:9003016b.343b698.a2b78cf6.6ff40002",
"processTemplateId": "_PT:9001016b.264d7fe.a2b78cf6.4daf0002",
"processTemplateName": "StartProc1",
"processTemplateValidFrom": "2019-04-08T07:19:51.000Z",
"activityTemplateId": "_AT:9002016b.264d832.a2b78cf6.4daf0012",
"activityTemplateName": "Receive",
"activityKind": "23 - KIND_RECEIVE",
"data": {
"input1": "testdefault"
BPEL human task summary format
Attribute | Description | Optional or required | Type |
version | The task summary version | Required | A string constant, in the V.R.M format |
type | The task summary type | Required | A string constant |
id | The unique identifier of the task instance | Required | String |
state | The state of the task, based on the latest aggregated event | Required | String. Possible values:
timestamp | The timestamp of the last aggregated event to produce this summary | Required | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
span-id | The span identifier corresponding to the task instance | Required | String |
parent-span-id | The parent span identifier | Optional | String |
trace-id | The trace identifier | Required | String |
bpmCellName | The name of the IBM Business Automation Workflow emitter | Required | String |
bpmSystemIdentifier | The name of the IBM Business Automation Workflow system identifier | Required | String |
taskTemplateId | The unique identifier of the task template | Required | String |
taskTemplateName | The name of the task template | Required | String |
taskTemplateValidFrom | The valid from time of the task template | Required | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
kind | The kind of the task instance | Required | Possible values:
createdTime | The time at which the task was created (state: INACTIVE) | Required | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
taskInstanceName | The name of the task instance | Optional - Present if the instance has a name | String |
processTemplateId | The unique identifier of the process template | Optional - Present if the task belongs to an activity | String |
processInstanceId | The unique identifier of the process instance | Optional - Present if the task belongs to an activity | String |
performerName | The name of the user associated with this event (raw: principal) | Optional | String |
expirationDate | The time at which the task will expire | Optional - Present if the task has been started | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
isEscalated | Indicates whether the task is escalated | Optional | Boolean |
startTime | The time at which the task started (state: READY or RUNNING) | Optional - Present if the task was started | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
claimedTime | The time at which the task was claimed (state: CLAIMED) | Optional - Present if the task was claimed | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
completedTime | The time at which the task completed (state: FINISHED) | Optional - Present is the task was completed. | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
terminatedTime | The time at which the task was terminated (state: TERMINATED) | Optional - Present if the task was terminated | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
restartedTime | The time at which the task was restarted (state: READY) | Optional - Present if the task was restarted | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
deletedTime | The time at which the task was deleted (state: DELETED) | Optional - Present if the task was deleted | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
failedTime | The time at which the task failed (state: FAILED) | Optional - Present if the task failed | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
canceledTime | The time at which the task was canceled (state: READY) | Optional - Present if the task was canceled | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
expiredTime | The time at which the task expired (state: EXPIRED) | Optional - Present if the task expired | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
forwardedTime | The time at which a follow-on task was started (state: FORWARDED) | Optional - Present if the task was forwarded | A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal
Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ |
duration | The task duration in milliseconds. | Optional. Present if the difference between startTime and completedTime or terminatedTime or failedTime can be computed. | Number |
data | The task output data | Optional - Present if output data is available | JSON object |
Example of a BPEL task summary
"version": "1.0.0",
"type": "human_task",
"id": "_TKI:a01b016b.1d288943.a2b78cf6.3d770444",
"timestamp": "2019-06-03T11:45:24.340Z",
"bpmCellName": "TAPALLINONECell01",
"bpmSystemId": "_PK:90230166.5d160e3b.e6b78cf6.a3d80002",
"trace-id": "be0de7a7-79a0-4eeb-8476-3caf5408a4a6",
"span-id": "47d0c2e9f7c72e4c",
"performerName": "admin",
"taskInstanceName": "Review_Request",
"taskTemplateId": "_TKT:a01a0166.5d172625.e6b78cf6.a3d80012",
"taskTemplateName": "http://com.example.htm.predefined/Review_Request",
"taskTemplateValidFrom": "2012-02-02T01:00:00.000Z",
"state": "TASK_CLAIMED",
"data": {
"request.Review_Request": {
"description.text": "done"
"claimedTime": "2019-06-03T11:45:24.340Z",
"createdTime": "2019-06-03T11:45:24.321Z",