Format of BPEL process time series

Time series for BPEL processes are timeSeries JSON objects with attributes, as described in the table.

Table 1. Attributes for BPEL process time series
Attribute Description Optional or required Type
id The identifier of the timeSeries event. This identifier matches the id attribute of the corresponding raw event. Required String
offset The Kakfa message offset Required Number
partition The Kafka message partition Required Number
version The document version of the timeSeries event Required A string constant in V.R.M format
type The type of the event Required String – Typical values:
category The category of the event Required String – BPEL_PROCESS
timestamp The timestamp of the corresponding raw event Required A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ
performerName The name of the user associated with this event Optional String
bpmSystemId The BPM system identifier that uniquely identifies a Process Server or Workflow Server environment Required String
bpmCellName The name of the BPM cell that emits raw events Required String
eventCode Process event code. Required String. Typical values:
  • 21000 for the PROCESS_STARTED event
  • 21004 for the PROCESS_COMPLETED event

For a list of event codes and names, see Events for BPEL processes.

state The state of the event. Required String. Typical values:

For a list of event codes and names, see Events for BPEL processes.

processTemplateName The name of the process template Required String
processTemplateId The ID of the process template Required String
processTemplateValidFrom The valid-from date of the process template Required A string that contains an ISO8601 date in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnZ
processInstanceId The ID of the process instance Required String
processInstanceName The process instance name Optional String
trace-id The trace identifier Required if the trace-id and span-id values are set in the raw event context. String
span-id The span identifier Required if the trace-id and span-id values are set in the raw event context. String
parent-span-id The identifier of the parent span Optional String

Example of time series attributes for BPEL processes

  "id": "fbb3d372-b1ac-4982-aa7d-b6158d7b266e",
  "offset": 0,
  "partition": 0,
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "category": "BPEL_PROCESS",
  "timestamp": "2019-05-09T05:47:39.407Z",
  "performerName": "admin",
  "bpmSystemId": "_PK:90230154.8567d7fb.20b78cf6.14030002",
  "bpmCellName": "TAPALLINONECell01",
  "eventCode": "21000",
  "processTemplateName": "StartProc1",
  "processTemplateId": "_PT:9001016a.9aad3b2f.d7b78cf6.33b90016",
  "processTemplateValidFrom": "Mon 2019-04-08 07:19:51.000",
  "processInstanceId": "_PI:9003016b.343b698.a2b78cf6.6ff40002",
  "processInstanceName": "adf",
  "trace-id": "44550b79-164b-4c53-bfb2-2b188a7f71f0",
  "span-id": "7458167704125c56"