Activity summary event formats

Activity summary events are JSON objects that result from the aggregation of time series.

Table 1. Activity summary attributes
Attribute Description Optional or required Type
case-folder-id The identifier of the case folder to which the case activity belongs Required String
category The category of the event Required The icm string constant
case-instance-id The identifier of the case instance to which the case activity belongs Required String
case-instance-name The name of the case instance to which the case activity belongs Required String
task-id The identifier of the case activity Required String
task-name The name of the case activity Required String
task-type-display-name The display name of the case activity Required String
is-task-container Indicates whether the case activity is a container activity or not Required Boolean
is-task-todo Indicates whether the case activity is a To-Do activity. Optional Boolean
is-task-quick Indicates whether the case activity is a Quick Task. Optional Boolean
task-deadline-time The deadline time of a quick task case activity. Optional String

String that contains an ISO8601 date.

type The type of the case activity summary Required The task string constant
state The state of the case activity, based on the latest aggregated event Required A string constant

Possible values: Active, Completed

case-type-name The name of the case type to which the case activity belongs Required String
case-type-display-name The display name of the case type to which the case activity belongs Required String
source-class-id The identifier of the source class of the case activity Required String
source-class-display-name The display name of the source class of the case activity Required String
solution-name The name of the solution to which the case activity belongs Required String
timestamp The timestamp of the last aggregated event to produce this summary Required A string that contains an ISO8601 date.
version The version number of the case activity summary Required String
data The business data Optional - Present if case properties are audited JSON object
start-time The time at which the case activity started Required A string that contains an ISO8601 date.
start-time-quarter The year quarter that contains the start-time value Required Number
end-time The time at which the last case activity event was received Required A string that contains an ISO8601 date.
end-time-quarter The year quarter that contains the end-time value Required Number
user Last modified or updated user Required String
duration-seconds The case activity duration, in seconds Optional - Present if the difference between the start-time value and end-time value can be computed. Number
Table 2. Case and activity summary attributes (ctd)
Attribute Description Optional or required Type
icp-system-id The source of events or activities. Currently, this attribute is the same as object-store-id. Required String
content-engine-server The content engine server to which the Case event emitter connects. Required String
emitter-logidal-unique-id The logical unique identifier of the Case event emitter that emitted the event or case activity. Required String
object-store-display-name The display name of the object store to which the event or case activity belongs Required String
object-store-symbolic-name The symbolic name of the object store to which the event or case activity belongs Required String
object-store-id The identifier of the object store to which the event or case activity belongs Required String
p8-domain-name The name of the p8 domain from which the event or case activity is emitted Required String
p8-domain-id The identifier of the p8 domain from which the event or case activity is emitted Required String

Example of a case activity summary

    "case-folder-id": "{D0473061-0000-C11F-BBE2-18B67A712447}",
    "category": "icm",
    "case-instance-id": "{D0473061-0000-C11F-BBE2-18B67A712447}",
    "case-instance-name": "000000100006",
    "task-id": "{B9BB2F4A-F799-4ECF-A03D-194CE3185F0B}",
    "task-name": "CCDM_ATaskFX_New1",
    "is-task-container": false,
    "task-type-display-name": "ATaskFX_New1",
    "type": "task",
    "state": "Complete",
    "case-type-name": "CCDM_CaseST",
    "case-type-display-name": "CaseST",
    "source-class-id": "{C62B67C2-0707-448F-AEA8-B2E688E9977C}",
    "source-class-display-name": "ATaskFX_New1",
    "solution-name": "Credit Card Dispute Management",
    "timestamp": "2018-01-25T18:24:43.467Z",
    "version": "1.0.1",
    "icm-system-id": "{8D0692D0-4E55-46B2-ABAE-307C88A97089}",
    "content-engine-server": "localhost",
    "emitter-logical-unique-id": "icpTest",
    "object-store-display-name": "tos",
    "object-store-symbolic-name": "tos",
    "object-store-id": "{8D0692D0-4E55-46B2-ABAE-307C88A97089}",
    "p8-domain-name": "myP8Domain",
    "p8-domain-id": "{99370115-636B-4267-B2CE-96471CB4B141}",
    "start-time": "2018-01-25T18:24:34.082Z",
    "start-time-quarter": 1,
    "end-time": "2018-01-25T18:24:43.467Z",
    "end-time-quarter": 1,
    "user": "p8admin",
    "duration-seconds": 9