Returning a list of reference links

You can return a list of all reference links of the current process application or toolkit on a server by running the tw.system.model.processApp.getLinks() method.

This tw.system.model.processApp.getLinks() method allows for returning reference links in the toolkits referenced by the process application, and results can be filtered. The tw.system.model.processApp.getLinks() link property returns only the reference links for the current process application (not its children), and the results are not filtered.

The method tw.system.model.processApp.getLinks() returns an array of TWLink and takes two parameters:
This is a boolean flag that indicates if the links should be collected recursively on all library item elements contained in the process application and dependent toolkits.
This is a JavaScript function that takes TWLink as parameter and returns a boolean value that indicates whether the link should be excluded from the result.

The signature of the linkFilter argument function is boolean linkFilterFunction(TWLink twlink), and that the filter function is called for each reference link result. The filter function returns true if the TWLink value in question is filtered out (excluded), or false if it is not filtered out.

You can collect the names and URLs of the links using the assetType Change Request from your process application and its children, and then assign them to local variables in your process.

This example assumes that the following two private variables have been defined: requestLinksName of type String List, and requestLinksURL of type String List. Make sure to select Has Default for both. The requestLinksName variable is an array that contain the names of all the links, and the requestLinksURL variable is an array that contain the URLs of all the links obtained by getLinks() that were not filtered out by the linkFilter function.

The following example is an specific example of how to narrow down the list of returned links to be only those of the Change Request asset type for that process application (and child projects). However, getLinks() can be used to return all reference links.

var linkFilter = function (twlink) {
	if (twlink != null && TWLink.AssetTypes.CHANGE_REQUEST == twlink.assetTypeNamespace){
		return false;
		return true;
var requestLinks = tw.system.model.processApp.getLinks(true, linkFilter);
if(requestLinks != null){
    for(var i=0; i<requestLinks.length; i++){
        tw.local.requestLinksName[i] = requestLinks[i].name;
        tw.local.requestLinksURL[i] = requestLinks[i].url;
Attention: If the call is done from the context of another process application, only the links of the process application can be obtained. The filtered list will not include any children.