Interacting with cases and activities from processes or service flows
You can interact with cases and case activities from processes or service flows by using
a script that contains JavaScript methods to call case APIs. This enables you to work with the
values of case properties, such as multivalued properties or business objects.
This topic provides the following examples:
Example of a script that interacts with case and activity property values
This example script is used in a process that implements a case activity. The script accesses
content object properties through process variables, as shown in the following code
tw.local.caseProperties.Payout.value -= tw.local.activityProperties.Deductible.value;
The following example shows how an equivalent previous version of the script includes methods
that call the parentCase JavaScript API to perform the following operations:
- Obtain a value of an activity property from the parent activity.
- Obtain a value for a case property.
- Calculate a new value of a case property based on the value of the retrieved activity property.
- Set a new value for a case property.
- Set a new value for an activity property of a parent activity.
- Obtain a value of an activity property from a specified activity.
- Set a new value for an activity property of a specified activity.
// Obtain the deductible amount from a parent activity:
var interestingActivityPropertyNames = new tw.object.listOf.toolkit.TWSYS.String();
interestingActivityPropertyNames[0] = "S1_Deductible";
var interestingActivityPropertyValues = tw.system.currentProcessInstance.parentCase.getParentActivityPropertyValues(interestingActivityPropertyNames);
var deductible = parseInt(interestingActivityPropertyValues[0]);
// Obtain the payout amount from the parent case:
var interestingCasePropertyNames = new tw.object.listOf.toolkit.TWSYS.String();
interestingCasePropertyNames[0] = "S1_Payout";
var interestingCasePropertyValues = tw.system.currentProcessInstance.parentCase.getCasePropertyValues(interestingCasePropertyNames);
var payout = parseInt(interestingCasePropertyValues[0]);
// Calculate the updated payout amount:
payout = payout - deductible;
// Set the updated payout amount on the parent case:
var casePropertyValuesToUpdate = new tw.object.listOf.toolkit.TWSYS.String();
tw.system.currentProcessInstance.parentCase.setCasePropertyValues(interestingCasePropertyNames, casePropertyValuesToUpdate);
//Set a new value for an activity property of a parent activity:
var interestingActivityPropertyNames = new tw.object.listOf.toolkit.TWSYS.String();
interestingActivityPropertyNames[0] = "S1_Deductible"; //The list (String) of property names for which a value is to be set
var ActivityPropertyValuesToUpdate = new tw.object.listOf.toolkit.TWSYS.String();
ActivityPropertyValuesToUpdate[0]=payout.toString(); //The list (String) of property values to set
tw.system.currentProcessInstance.parentCase.setParentActivityPropertyValues(interestingActivityPropertyNames, ActivityPropertyValuesToUpdate);
// Obtain the deductible amount of an activity property from a specified activity:
var interestingActivityID = "A01E758B-0000-C4DF-9D9D-B8320585E550" ;// The unique identifier or GUID of the case activity
interestingActivityPropertyNames[0] = "S1_Deductible"; //The list (String) of property names whose value is to be retrieved
var interestingActivityPropertyValues = new tw.object.listOf.toolkit.TWSYS.String();
interestingActivityPropertyValues = tw.system.currentProcessInstance.parentCase.getActivityPropertyValue(interestingActivityID , interestingActivityPropertyNames); //returns a list of values for a given list of activity property names
var deductible = parseInt(interestingActivityPropertyValues[0]);
//Set a new value for an activity property of a specified activity:
var interestingActivityID = "A01E758B-0000-C4DF-9D9D-B8320585E550"; // The unique identifier or GUID of the case activity
interestingActivityPropertyNames[0] = "S1_Deductible"; //The list (String) of property names for which a new value is to be set
var interestingActivityPropertyValues = new tw.object.listOf.toolkit.TWSYS.String();
interestingActivityPropertyValues[0] = "8.9"; // The list (String) of new property values
tw.system.currentProcessInstance.parentCase.setActivityPropertyValues(interestingActivityID , interestingActivityPropertyNames, interestingActivityPropertyValues);
Examples of scripts for updating multiple properties
The following is an example of string and multi-value string properties that are updated by using Content objects properties.
tw.local.caseProperties.Name.value= "Andrew Smith";
tw.local.caseProperties.Address.value[0]= "Street No 1";
tw.local.caseProperties.Address.value[1]= "Road No 2";
Restriction: Do not set the values of two separate properties by using both the
JavaScript API method (setCasePropertyValues()) and process variables in the same
script, as shown in the following
tw.local.caseProperties.Name.value= "Andrew Smith";
var casePropertyNames = new tw.object.listOf.String();
var casePropertyValues = new tw.object.listOf.String();
casePropertyNames[0] = "LO_Address";
casePropertyValues[0] = "{'Street No 1 ','Road No 2'}";
tw.system.currentProcessInstance.parentCase.setCasePropertyValues(casePropertyNames, casePropertyValues, true);
Examples of scripts that create a new case and initialize its values
The example scripts can be used in any process. The scripts create a new case and initialize it
with values for:
- A multi-value property.
- A business object that contains a multi-value property and some single-value properties.
See the example scripts in the following code
var propertyNames = new tw.object.listOf.String(); // The list of property names to set during the case creation.
var propertyValues = new tw.object.listOf.String();// The list of property values to set during the case creation.
propertyNames[0] = "S1_Destination";
propertyValues[0] = "YYZ"; // Single String value
propertyNames[1] = "S1_DepartureDate";
var depDate= new Date( + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
propertyValues[1] = depDate.toISOString().replace(/\.\d+/, ""); // DateTime in the format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'
propertyNames[2] = "S1_Shippers";
propertyValues[2] = "{'ABC Logistic','XYZ Freight'}" // Multiple values
propertyNames[3] = "S1_Closed";
propertyValues[3] = false.toString(); // Boolean value
propertyNames[4] = "S1_Packages";
propertyValues[4] = "{\
\"objects\": [{\
\"properties\": [{\
\"name\": \"S1_TrackingNumber\",\
\"value\": \"T100001\"\
}, {\
\"name\": \"S1_MinimumTemperature\",\
\"value\": \"-40\"\
}, {\
\"name\": \"S1_ItemDescription\",\
\"value\": \"{'Foo','Bar'}\"\
}, {\
\"name\": \"S1_Value\",\
\"value\": \"150,000.00\"\
}, {\
\"properties\": [{\
\"name\": \"S1_TrackingNumber\",\
\"value\": \"T100002\"\
\"requiredClass\": \"S1_Package\"\
}"; // Multiple business object values
tw.system.currentProcessInstance.createCaseUsingSpecifiedCaseType("S1_Shipment", propertyNames, propertyValues);
An alternative way of creating a case is by using the
tw.system.currentProcessInstance.createCase JavaScript method. Instead of using
lists of string parameters with property names and values, this method accepts a
business object that is available in the system toolkit. By passing a
object, you can initialize properties of a new case in other case solution
projects without needing to convert all property values to
strings:tw.local.newCaseProperties = new tw.object.Record();
tw.local.newCaseProperties.setPropertyValue("S1_Destination", "YYZ");
var depDate = new tw.object.Date();
depDate.setUTCTime(depDate.getUTCTime() + 24 * 60 * 60); // tomorrow
tw.local.newCaseProperties.setPropertyValue("S1_DepartureDate", depDate);
var shippers = new tw.object.listOf.String();
shippers[0]="ABC Logistic";
shippers[1]="XYZ Freight";
tw.local.newCaseProperties.setPropertyValue("S1_Shippers", shippers);
tw.local.newCaseProperties.setPropertyValue("S1_Closed", false);
var packages = new tw.object.listOf.Record();
packages[0] = new tw.object.Record();
packages[0].setPropertyValue("S1_TrackingNumber", "T100001");
packages[0].setPropertyValue("S1_MinimumTemperature", -40);
var descriptions = new tw.object.listOf.String();
packages[0].setPropertyValue("S1_ItemDescription", descriptions);
packages[0].setPropertyValue("S1_Value", 150000.00);
packages[1] = new tw.object.Record();
packages[1].setPropertyValue("S1_TrackingNumber", "T100002");
tw.local.newCaseProperties.setPropertyValue("S1_Packages", packages);
tw.system.currentProcessInstance.createCase("S1_Shipment", tw.local.newCaseProperties);
Example of a script for searching case activities
The scripts searches for activities in a specified case by using the provided property filter
conditions. See the example script in the following code
var returnedActivityIdList = new tw.object.listOf.toolkit.TWSYS.String();
var interestingActivityNames = new tw.object.listOf.toolkit.TWSYS.String();
interestingactivityNames[0]= "S1_ActivityName1"; // A list of symbolic activity names
var propertyFilter = "[TaskState]=4 OR [TaskState]=5 OR [TaskState]=6" ;// The string must conform to the Content Platform Engine SQL syntax, for example: '([prop1] = 1 AND [prop2] <> 3)'
returnedActivityIdList = tw.system.currentProcessInstance.parentCase.searchActivities(interestingActivityNames, propertyFilter); //Returns a list of activity IDs that match the given conditions.
var activityID = parseString(returnedActivityIdList[0]);
//The sample result of variable activityID will be "A01E758B-0000-C4DF-9D9D-B8320585E550"