Using the event handler for FileNet Content Manager
The event handler is for IBM FileNet Content Manager version 5.1 or higher.
Supported events
The following table lists all ECM events that are supported by Business Automation Workflow, and the corresponding FileNet Content Manager events. Use the table to identify the FileNet Content Manager events that you need to subscribe to, and the names that are used in Process Designer to identify the same events in Business Automation Workflow.
ECM events supported by Business Automation Workflow ( | Object types that the event can apply to | Corresponding FileNet Content Manager events ( |
CheckedIn | Document | CheckinEvent |
CheckedOut | Document | CheckoutEvent |
CheckOutCancelled | Document | CancelCheckoutEvent |
ClassChanged | Folder or Document | ChangeClassEvent |
ClassifyCompleted | Document | ClassifyCompleteEvent |
Created | Folder or Document | CreationEvent |
Deleted | Folder or Document | DeletionEvent |
Filed | Folder | FileEvent |
Frozen | Document | FreezeEvent |
Locked | Folder or Document | LockEvent |
PublishCompleted | Document | PublishCompleteEvent |
PublishRequested | Document | PublishRequestEvent |
SecurityUpdated | Folder or Document | UpdateSecurityEvent |
StateChanged | Document | ChangeStateEvent |
Unfiled | Folder | UnfileEvent |
Unlocked | Folder or Document | UnlockEvent |
Updated | Folder or Document | UpdateEvent |
VersionDemoted | Document | DemoteVersionEvent |
VersionPromoted | Document | PromoteVersionEvent |
Define a process to consume the ECM events
Copy the event handler to your FileNet Content Manager server
Creating the connection information document
The connection information necessary for the ECM event handler to connect to the Business Automation Workflow system is stored as a document in the FileNet Content Manager repository. To create the connection information document, perform the following steps:
- On your FileNet Content
Manager server,
create a properties file. Tip: If you require multiple subscriptions that notify different Business Automation Workflow servers of events, you need one properties file for each Business Automation Workflow server. Although you can give the properties file any name, it makes sense to include the name of the server in the name of the properties file, for example,
- If you have a suitable J2C authentication alias defined on the
application server where FileNet Content
Manager is
running, you can define the connection properties file to use the
authentication alias. For example:
Where scope is the scope of the authentication alias my_authentication_alias, and bpm_server_name is the host name or IP address of your Business Automation Workflow server, for example,bpm.server.authalias=scope/my_authentication_alias bpm.server.uri=https\://bpm_server_name\:9443
. - If you do not use an authentication alias, your server connection
properties file must specify a suitable Business Automation Workflow user
name and password. For example:
Where bpm_user is a user ID that is authorized to access the Business Automation Workflow, bpm_user_password is the password for the user ID, and bpm_server_name is the host name or IP address of your Business Automation Workflow server, for example,bpm.server.username=bpm_user bpm.server.password=bpm_user_password bpm.server.uri=https\://bpm_server_name\:9443
. - Business Automation Workflow by
default uses the context root
for its REST API. If you use a custom context root prefix, add this line to your connection properties file:bpm.server.contextRoot=/myCustomContextRoot/rest/bpm/wle/
- If you have a suitable J2C authentication alias defined on the
application server where FileNet Content
Manager is
running, you can define the connection properties file to use the
authentication alias. For example:
- Store the properties file in the ECM system. You can store the
properties file in several ways. For example, you can use the IBM Administration Console for
Content Platform Engine to
store the properties file by using the following actions:
- Using a browser, log in to the Administration Console for Content Platform
Engine at
the URL
. - Select the object store where you want to store the configuration file.
- Expand the object store, then either add a folder or select a suitable existing folder where you want to store the properties file.
- Select New Document from the Actions drop-down list of the folder.
- Specify a Document title. You might want to choose a name that identifies the BPM system that this connection document is targeting. Then, click Next.
- In the Content Elements section, click Add. In the Add Content Element dialog, click Browse and select the property file that you created. Click Add Content. Click Next.
- On the following pages (Object Properties, Document Content and Version, Specify Settings for Retaining Objects, and Advanced Features) you can keep the default values. Click Next on each page.
- On the Summary page, click Finish.
- The document is created. Click Open to open it.
- In the Properties tab, look for the ID property and note the value. Select and copy it to a clipboard or text file. You need it later when you create the event subscription.
- In the Security tab, you might want to make sure that the document can be read and modified only by administrators to prevent all of your users from seeing these connection information.
- Using a browser, log in to the Administration Console for Content Platform
Engine at
the URL
Creating the event action
- In your object store, browse to the Event Actions that are located under Events, Actions, Processes.
- Click New.
- Enter a Display name, for example, BPM event action. Click Next.
- On the Specify the Type of Event Action page,
enter the Java class handler
. Enable the Configure code module check box. Click Next. - On the Specify the Code Module page, enter a Code Module title, for example, BPM event handler code module. Click Browse and select the filenet-bpm-event-handler-51.jar file. Click Next.
- On the Summary page, click Finish.
Creating a subscription
A subscription in FileNet Content Manager defines which events on a certain object are to be handled by an event action.
- If you define event subscriptions in BPM, you need to create corresponding subscriptions in FileNet Content Manager using the event mapping table from above.
- If you use Document Start events in processes, you need to create a subscription for the Created event for the document class.
- If you use activity preconditions based on documents that are added to a folder, you need to create a subscription for the Filed event for the folder class.
If you have multiple BPM systems that you want to send the event to, create subscriptions in FileNet Content Manager for each of them individually.
- Document
- ClaimForm
- Contract
In your BPM system, you have an event subscription defined for the Document Created event on the base Document class that includes subclasses. You also have another event subscription for the Document Created event on the Contract class that does not include subclasses. In this scenario, you only need one subscription in your FileNet Content Manager system: an event subscription on the Document class that includes subclasses and that subscribes to the Created event. This subscription will send all required events to the BPM system. If you created an extra subscription on the Contract class that subscribes to the Created event, then both subscriptions would be triggered if a Contract is created. Subsequently, two events would be sent to the BPM system.
- In your object store, browse to the Subscriptions that are located under Events, Actions, Processes.
- Click New.
- Enter a Display name and optionally a Description. You should specify a display name and description that clearly identifies which BPM system is targeted, which events are handled for which Document and Folder classes, and if the include subclasses flag is enabled. This clarification allows you to keep track of which events are handled by which BPM systems. This clarification also helps you prevent subscriptions that cause the same event to be sent multiple times to one BPM system. Click Next.
- On the Select Classes page, select Document or Folder as Class type. Select the Class that you want to handle events. Click Next.
- On the Specify the Subscription Behavior page, keep all defaults and click Next.
- On the Select the Triggers page, select the events you want to handle. Click Next.
- On the Select an Event Action page, select the event action that you previously created. Click Next.
- On the Specify Additional Options page, for the Initial state, disable the Enable this subscription check box. Enable the Include subclasses check box according to your needs. Do not enable the Run synchronously check box. Synchronous events are sent to the BPM system even before the transaction is completed. As a transactional context cannot be propagated using a REST API, this may result in operations getting triggered in the BPM system even if the content operation is subsequently rolled back. Click Next.
- On the Summary page, click Finish.
- The subscription is now created. Click Open to open it.
- On the Properties tab, look for the User String property. Enter the document identifier from the connection information document as a value. Optionally, look for the Is Enabled property and change its value to True. Click Save.
Updating the event action code module
To update the BPM event handler to use the latest version of the filenet-bpm-event-handler-51.jar file, you must update the code module and the event action to point to the updated code module. Perform the following steps in the IBM Administration Console for Content Platform Engine:
- Open the code module. By default, the code modules are created in the Code Modules folder in the root folder of the object store. Alternatively, you can find the code module by browsing to the Event Actions that are located under Events, Actions, Processes. Open the BPM event action, then look for the Code Module property and click on its value to open the code module.
- For the code module, perform the action . A reservation is created that is opened automatically.
- For the reservation, perform the action .
- In the Checkin dialog, click Add and select the latest version of the filenet-bpm-event-handler-51.jar file. Select Update all Action class instances that reference earlier versions of this Code Module class.
- Click Check In Major Version.
Advanced configuration
Certain event handler behavior can be controlled by using Java Virtual Machine (JVM) system properties. To create or modify those properties, log in to the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console of your FileNet Content Manager system. Browse to . For each server belonging to the deployment target the FileNet Content Manager engine application is deployed to, go to . Click New... to create new entries, or click an existing entry to apply changes to it. After you have made changes, save the configuration, synchronize the nodes, and restart the servers.
Property name | Default value | Description |
---|---|---| |
600000 | The time in milliseconds that the content of a connection information document is cached. | |
true | When you check out a document, FileNet Content Manager fires a Creation event for the new document version. This behavior might not be desired if the expectation is that the event happens only for the first version of a document. Set this value to false to cause the BPM event action to ignore document creation events for non-initial versions. |