The ECMContentEvent business object
The ECMContentEvent business object is included in the
Content Management toolkit, which is used to gain access to Enterprise
Content Management (ECM) types and services. The resources of the
toolkit are required to allow a business process developed in Process
Designer to work with an Enterprise Content Management system. The
ECMContentEvent business object is used to pass generic ECM event
data to an event subscription service and content undercover agent
(UCA). The business object is passed unchanged as BPMN event data
into the process if it is not modified, mapped, or replaced by the
service or UCA.
When an event subscription is triggered, an ECMContentEvent business object is passed to the service that is attached to the event subscription. The ECMContentEvent business object can contain related data such as a document or folder that is added or removed from the base folder. In addition to the data included in the ECMContentEvent business object, you can use a content integration step in the service to retrieve more information about the object in the ECM server, such as additional properties for the specified document or folder.
The properties for the ECMContentEvent business object are described in the following list:
- String serverName: The name of the ECM server.
- ECMID repositoryId: The object ID of the repository.
- ECMEventClass eventClass: The class of the event, which is either "document" or "folder".
- ECMID objectTypeId: The object ID of the folder type or the document type.
- ECMEventType eventType: The type of event that occurred on the folder or document.
- ECMID objectId: The object ID of the folder or document on which the event occurred.
- ECMEventClass relatedObjectClass: The class of a related event, which is either Document or Folder.
- ECMID relatedObjectTypeId: The object ID of the related folder type or document type.
- ECMID relatedObjectId: The object ID of the related folder or document.