Content event types
When you configure an event subscription in Process Designer, you
must specify the type of content event that you want to receive when
a specific content change occurs on an Enterprise Content Management
(ECM) server. For example, if you want an event to be received when
a user creates a document on an ECM server, you would select the Created event
The following table lists the types of content events that you can select when you configure an event subscription in Process Designer. On IBM® FileNet® Content Manager, all of these event types are supported and an event handler is provided.
However, on other ECM systems, some of the event types are not supported and you need to develop your own event handler. Information about how to develop an event handler for the supported event types is found in the topic Creating an event handler for an Enterprise Content Management system.
Content event types | Associated object types | Description |
Checked In | Documents | An event produced when a user checks in a document. |
Checked Out | Documents | An event produced when a user checks out a document. |
Check Out Canceled | Documents | An event produced when a user cancels the checkout of a document. |
Class Changed | Folders or documents | An event produced when a user changes the class of the object. For example, the user can change the class when checking in a document. |
Classify Completed | Documents | An event produced when a document is added using an entry template with the Auto-Classify option set. |
Created | Folders or documents | An event produced when a user adds an item to the object store. |
Deleted | Folders or documents | An event produced when a user deletes an item. When a document is deleted, a workflow is launched for each item in the version series. For example, if a user deletes a document that has ten versions, ten workflows are launched. |
Filed | Folders | An event produced when a folder has its file method called to file a Containable object (for example, a document or custom object) or when the file is called to create a subfolder. |
Frozen | Documents | An event produced when an administrator or application freezes the custom properties of a specific document version. |
Locked | Folders or documents | An event produced when an item is locked for use by a custom application. |
Publish Completed | Documents | An event produced when a publish request for a document is completed. |
Publish Requested | Documents | An event produced when a publish request for a document is initiated. |
Security Updated | Folders or documents | An event produced when a user changes the
security of the object. For example, security for a document can be
changed from the information page or when:
State Changed | Documents | An event produced when the state of the document changes, such as when a version is promoted or demoted. |
Unfiled | Folders | An event produced when a folder has its unfile method called to remove (unfile) a Containable object (for example, a document or folder) or when the unfile method is called to delete a subfolder. |
Unlocked | Folders or documents | An event produced when an item is unlocked for use by a custom application. |
Updated | Folders or documents | An event produced on any action that updates
the property values or content of an item. Behavior will vary depending
on the object and the action. Note: An Updated event is triggered
each time a new item is created. As a result, a workflow set to use
the update trigger is launched when a user adds a new document.
Version Demoted | Documents | An event produced when a document version is demoted. |
Version Promoted | Documents | An event produced when a document version
is promoted to a released version. The document can be promoted to
a released version from the information page or when adding or checking
in. Note: The Filed and Unfiled event triggers are not supported for
subscriptions. If you need to use these triggers, you can create the
subscription using the Enterprise Manager for the Content Engine.
In addition, you can create subscriptions with the Publish Request
event using Enterprise Manager for the Content Engine.