Tuning the logging level

If you plan to deploy a runtime Document Processing environment for production, it is recommended to tune your Document Processing engine logging level.


Tuning the Document Processing engine logging level

You can change the log level for the Document Processing engine components. It is recommended to use error in a production environment to increase the document processing throughput.


  1. See Updating script-installed deployments to update your CR YAML file.
  2. In your CR file, under ca_configuration.global.logs, update the log_level parameter to error (the default is info). For more information, see Document Processing engine parameters (ca_configuration).
  3. The operator reconciliation loop might take up to 30 minutes or more, and all the Document Processing engine pod(s) will be restarted except RabbitMQ.
    Note: Reducing the logging level can limit the ability to resolve issues that might arise. If needed to troubleshoot an issue, IBM Support might require the logging level to temporarily be set back to the default value.