Restoring data from your storage system by using IBM Storage Fusion recipes

From 24.0.0-IF001 if you use IBM Storage Fusion recipes for regular backups of Content services, Workflow automation, or both, you can restore data from your storage systems to maintain and migrate data between environments. The recipes save you time and resources, and help you to avoid any potential data loss.

When you restore your environment by using IBM Storage Fusion recipes, the components and configurations are established again from the backup that you took and applied to your new or existing environment.


Do the following steps to restore data from the storage system by using IBM Storage Fusion recipes:

  1. Optional: Installation on spoke.
    1. Create a code key from hub.
    2. Launch installation on hub (copy code key from hub).
    3. Locate where the recipe needs to be deployed on spoke.

      For more information about the IBM Fusion hub and spoke model, see Hub and spoke model overview.

  2. Restore the IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation platform instance.
    You can restore to the same Red Hat OpenShift cluster or a different Red Hat OpenShift cluster.

    In either case, one or more target namespaces must be the same and must be empty. In the IBM Storage Fusion user interface, specify "Use the same project that the application is already using." IBM Storage Fusion re-installs the IBM Cloud Pak® for Business Automation platform instance, restores the data, and recovers the instance to a working state.