Optional: Configuring Application Engine with data persistence

Applications created in Application Designer and processed in Application Engine contain data, such as data about the current state of the application, in the browser memory. To persist the data, use the data persistence feature.

The data persistence feature persists data to the application engine object store (AEOS), which is one of the Content Platform Engine object stores. The default name of this object store is AEOS; you can also name it by yourself.
Note: Starter deployments do not support data persistence.
Table 1. Patterns that support data persistence
Pattern Enabled by default Default object store value
Business Automation Application No AEOS
Business Automation Workflow - Workflow Runtime Yes AEOS
Business Automation Workflow - Workflow Authoring No AEOS
IBM Automation Workstream Services Yes AEOS
IBM Automation Document Processing Yes AEOS

These are the parameters you need to set to use data persistence.

Table 2. Parameters to set to use data persistence
Parameter Required Value Default value Description
shared_configuration.sc_optional_components No ae_data_persistence   Enables the data persistence feature on Application Engine for all Application Engine instances. When data persistence is enabled this way, but some Application Engine instances don't need data persistence, you can set the data_persistence.enable parameter to false for those instances to disable data persistence for them.
application_engine_configuration[*].data_persistence.enable No true or false false Enables data persistence feature on Application Engine. This parameter prevails over the shared_configuration.sc_optional_components parameter.
application_engine_configuration[*].data_persistence.object_store_name No AEOS AEOS If data persistence is enabled, input one CPE object store name. If you keep the default object store configuration, the default name should be AEOS.

What to do next

Your next step depends on whether you are using the provided scripts.