Mapping input and output data for an activity in a service flow

To pass variables to an activity, you must set the input and output data mapping.

Before you begin

You must have a service flow that contains a set of declared variables and an activity. An implemented activity must contain a set of inputs and outputs.
Note: As of 23.0.1, this procedure applies only to service flows. For the updated steps on mapping input and output data for processes, see Mapping input and output data for an activity in processes. For steps on data mapping in client-side human services, see Data mapping for nested client-side human services.

About this task

When developing service flows, you must set the input and output mapping for each activity included in a service flow so that the variable values received and generated by the services that implement the activities map to the variables from the main service flow.

The following procedure describes how to map both input and output data for an activity. Depending on the logic of your service flow, an activity may only require input or output data and not both.


  1. Open the service flow.
  2. Click the activity in the diagram, and then click the Data Mapping tab in the properties.
    The Data Mapping tab displays the variables that are available from the service that is implemented in the activity or step.
  3. To complete the data mapping, click the Magic wand icon in both the Input Mapping and Output Mapping sections.

    If your variable is a shared business object, then the output mapping from the activity or step is not required.

  4. Click Save or Finish Editing.

What to do next

The data mapping is complete, and you can test it.