Reinitializing a CP4BA deployment with Business Automation Workflow Authoring

After you deleted the CP4BA CR YAML file of your ICP4ACluster instance, you have extra steps to do when your deployment includes Business Automation Workflow Authoring.

About this task

Reinitialize a CP4BA deployment with Business Automation Workflow Authoring by using the following extra steps.

  1. Review database info in bastudio configuration in CR YAML file that you backup, then delete the related database.
  2. If Application pattern is installed, see Reinitializing a CP4BA deployment with Business Automation Application.
  3. Reinitialize Navigator. For more information, see Reinitializing FileNet Content Manager.
  4. Reinitialize CPE. For more information, see Reinitializing FileNet Content Manager.
  5. If Kafka services is enabled, remove all the topics associated with Kafka services if the topic data is not used. You can get the topics from the Workflow AsyncAPI. For more information, see Creating a Kafka service.
  6. If full-text search is enabled, remove the SavedSearchIndex from the Federated Data Repository. The default SavedSearchIndex name has ibmbawqueries as a suffix.
  7. If Business Automation Insights installed, reinitialize Business Automation Insights. For more information, see Reinitializing a CP4BA deployment with Business Automation Insights.

What to do next

Return to the Redeploying Cloud Pak for Business Automation deployments task, reinitialize the storage and databases for any other capability in your deployment, and then complete the redeployment by applying the CR again.