Quick reference Q&A for online deployments

You can fully customize an installation of Cloud Pak for Business Automation by choosing a production deployment type.

Before you begin

Review what you need to know before you begin a production installation. You must plan your production deployment even more so than a starter deployment. You must consider properly what you want to install, what software you need, and what type of storage to use. Use the following links to read up on the things that you need to know beforehand.

When you are ready to move to the next step, answer the following questions to help you complete the necessary tasks.

Tip: Many of the links in the tables leave the page and send you forward in the table of contents. If you want to continue to use the quick reference, it is important that you come back to the next question after you complete the relevant steps. You can right-click a link to open the page in a new tab or window, but remember to close them when you are done to prevent having too many pages open.
Important: Questions 1-3 are the same questions that are used for a starter deployment. You need to review these questions again only if you want to use a different cluster for the production installation.

Question 1: Where do you want to host your Cloud Pak installation?

You can install Cloud Pak for Business Automation on-premises or on the public IBM Cloud. Your choice of installation environment determines what you need to configure on OCP.

Options What to do
You want to install Cloud Pak for Business Automation on-premises

a) Follow the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.12 documentation to install OpenShift. More guidance on setting up OpenShift is available in the IBM Cloud Paks documentation.

b) Go to Question 2: Does your cluster already have storage classes that you can use?

You already have an OpenShift 4.12+ cluster

Go to Question 2: Does your cluster already have storage classes that you can use?

You have an older version of OpenShift

a) Upgrade your cluster. For more information, see Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.12 documentation.

b) Then, go to Question 2: Does your cluster already have storage classes that you can use?

You want to install Cloud Pak for Business Automation on the Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud (ROKS)

a) If you do not have an account, create an account on IBM Cloud®.

b) If you do not have a cluster, then create one. From the IBM Cloud Overview page, in the OpenShift Cluster tile, click Create Cluster. Refer to the IBM Cloud documentation to create a Kubernetes cluster. The cluster that you create includes attached storage.

c) Go to Question 2: Does your cluster already have storage classes that you can use?

Question 2: Does your cluster already have storage classes that you can use?

Check that you have storage that works with the Capabilities for production deployments that you plan to install.

Options What to do
You have the supported storage

Go to Question 3: Do you have your IBM entitlement key?

You do not have any supported storage

a) Decide which storage classes you want to use.

b) Make sure that you have dynamic storage provisioning for the cluster, see Storage considerations.

c) Go to Question 3: Do you have your IBM entitlement key?

Question 3: Do you have your IBM entitlement key?

The Cloud Pak for Business Automation container images are hosted on the IBM Entitled Registry. To access the images, you must have your IBM entitlement key.

Options What to do
You have your IBM entitlement key

If you have your entitlement key, go to Question 4: Do you need to prepare for the production deployment?

You do not have your IBM entitlement key

a) Log in to MyIBM Container Software Library with the IBMid and password that is associated with the entitled software. In the Entitlement Keys tile, click Add New Key.

b) Go to Question 4: Do you need to prepare for the production deployment?

Question 4: Do you need to prepare for the production deployment?

If this is the first time the Cloud Pak is installed on the cluster, then you need to prepare the cluster. You must set up a client to connect to the cluster, download the cert-kubernetes resources, and check that you have the needed users on the system.

Options What to do
Complete the production deployment preparation

a) Follow the steps in Preparing a client to connect to the cluster.

b) Follow the steps in Preparing your cluster.

c) Follow the steps in Preparing a namespace for the operator.

d) Go to Question 5: Do you need to set up the cluster?

Question 5: Do you need to set up the cluster?

If this is the first time the Cloud Pak is installed on the cluster, then you do need to install the Cloud Pak catalog and operator.

Options What to do
Set up the cluster in the OCP console

a) Follow the steps to complete the setup by using Setting up the cluster in the OpenShift console.

b) Go to Question 6: How do you prepare for the capabilities that you want to install?

Set up the cluster by using the script

a) Follow the steps to complete the setup by using Setting up the cluster with the admin script.

b) Go to Question 6: How do you prepare for the capabilities that you want to install?

Question 6: How do you prepare for the capabilities that you want to install?

Each capability that you want to install must be prepared for before you apply your custom resource.

Options What to do
Prepare your data sources, secrets, and PVCs for each capability in your deployment

a) Follow the steps to create the databases and LDAP for your chosen capabilities by using Recommended: Preparing databases and secrets for your chosen capabilities by running a script.

b) Follow the steps to customize your applications by using Preparing your chosen capabilities.

c) Go to Question 7: How can you create a production deployment?

Question 7: How can you create a production deployment?

You can install the capabilities that you want by using the Operator Form view of the Cloud Pak operator in the OCP console or by running the deployment script.

Options What to do
Create a production deployment in the OCP console

a) Follow the steps to create a custom resource by using Option 2: Installing a production deployment in the OpenShift console.

b) Follow the steps to configure your custom resource in the YAML View by using Checking and completing your custom resource.

c) Create the deployment instance.

d) Follow the steps in Completing post-installation tasks.

e) Go to Question 8: How do you troubleshoot your production deployment?

Create a production deployment by using the deployment script

a) Follow the steps to complete the installation of the production deployment by using Option 1a: (Recommended) Generating the custom resource with the deployment script.

b) Follow the steps to configure your custom resource in the YAML View by using Checking and completing your custom resource.

c) Follow the steps in Option 1b: Deploying the custom resource you created with the deployment script.

d) Follow the steps in Completing post-installation tasks.

e) Go to Question 8: How do you troubleshoot your production deployment?

Question 8: How do you troubleshoot your production deployment?

See Troubleshooting if you encounter problems with the production deployment.